
Jun 08, 2008 22:50

from random_yayness, the yes/no meme:

1. You can only say YES or NO.
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you / comments and asks!

1. Taken a picture naked? no
2. Painted your room? yes
3. Made out with a member of the same sex? no
4. Drove a car? yes
5. Danced in front of your mirror? YES
6. Have a crush? YES
7. Been ( Read more... )

school, class: soc 256, rl, meme, random

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Comments 10

morebliss June 9 2008, 09:36:11 UTC
I love how you tried to get around that pesky yes/no thing by making it caps/not caps, with punctuation/without, emoticans/not. Veeerry sneaky ( ... )


silentdescant June 9 2008, 14:56:40 UTC
hahaha, I'm tricksy like that. :D

when I lived in South Carolina, I was in a neighborhood with a bunch of other kids my age; the family on the left had a girl my age, and we were best friends, and the family on the right had a boy my age, and he just happened to be really adorable. so one time, he was out playing tennis or something in the cul-de-sac, and my friend and I hid out in my house and spied out the window and were saying "OMG HE'S SO CUTE" and very girly crap like that. LOL last time I saw him, he was still pretty cute... :P

I'm pretty sure I've never sung karaoke, only because I don't think I've ever been around someone/somewhere with a karaoke machine. *thinks* maybe that's not true. I can't remember. IF I ever did, it would've been when I was about 8. or something. but I don't think I have. I do, however, sing along with music at the top of my lungs. :D

Snuck out of your house? Yes hee! where'd you sneak out to?

Gone skinny dipping in a pool? Yes were you alone at the time? :P

Shot a gun? Yes what's it like? 'cause I ( ... )


morebliss June 9 2008, 15:14:22 UTC
Can I ask how old you are? I've never known.

Snuck out of your house? Yes I only snuck out of my house once, but my best friend and I used to sneak out of her house all the time. To go to boyfriends, parties, whatever was happening in the neighborhood! We'd use a little stool to get out her window and then take it with us! Her mum was a radio dj who'd start at 4 in the morning, and she'd never 'check' on us before she left for work, so we always had the stool to get us back in the house and bring boyfriends and friends with us. We never got caught!

Gone skinny dipping in a pool? Yes were you alone at the time? :P A couple of times with 'partners' and a few alone. I really prefer to be all naked in water!

Shot a gun? Yes what's it like? 'cause I want to, at some point in my life, learn how to shoot a gun.It was on a farm with my cousins, so just a, well, it was a step up from a bb gun, but i don't know what! We shot cans off a fence. I wasn't bad! I'm hoping to go to a firing range near my house soon with a friend. I really don't ( ... )


silentdescant June 9 2008, 15:23:18 UTC
before I answer, I wanna know how old you THINK I am, 'cause I always wonder, and people are always surprised when I do finally tell them. :P

haha, I've never snuck out, but I do things in the house when I'm home alone that I shouldn't do. I have been caught before, though. >.<

hee!! I've gone skinny dipping with a friend once, in a pool in her backyard (she lived in the middle of a forest, lol), and it was pretty awesome. I think it's easier to move around in the water without a bathing suit...

yeah, I don't like that so many people have guns, but I really want to know how to use them, at least! plus, yeah, it'd be awesome to be able to hit a target and look cool and everything. :P


cordeilla33 June 9 2008, 13:51:01 UTC
1. Taken a picture naked? no ( ... )


silentdescant June 9 2008, 14:59:40 UTC
Glued your hand to something? yes ;) LOL what did you glue your hand to?!

Thrown strange objects? yes what was the strange object? lol

Broken a cd? YES how'd you break it? I broke one by putting it on a container of water in the microwave. it was awesome. :P


cordeilla33 June 9 2008, 17:43:17 UTC
1. Yes I superglued my model's roof to my hand for my architect project in university...I guess I shouldn't had been drinking huh? LOL!

2. Yes, In my country, throwing strange objects is our 'thing'. Just grab whatever is handy and throw it - towards your potential target, which is usually people's heads. Mine was a can of cream at my sister's head.

3. I broke my ex-bestfriend's CD (with my bare hands)because I was very angry at them and their stuff was at my house...and it was their it felt good doing it - but I felt bad afterwards, when we made up.

(And I know you asked 'morebliss' about shooting a gun, and how it felt. Well my dad was a police officer and I learnt to shoot hand guns and riffles. Why would he teach us? Well my mother said if my dad was going to keep guns in the house - he had to teach us kids how. I feel more secure knowing how because eventhough I don't own one - if the situation calls for it I could defend myself...and I have damn good aim.)


meltmed July 9 2008, 21:09:09 UTC
This is fun ( ... )


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