Fic: Impatient

Jun 01, 2008 23:21

title: Impatient
pairing: Billy/Dom
rating: NC-17
words: 2300+
warning: PWP, exhibitionism
summary: I wrote this for
imogen_star_dom, who (a long time ago) requested "A bit of MonaBoyd filth involving the porch of a house (because they are both so desperate they can't get wait to get inside) and almost getting caught by a random passer by." Originally posted here, for
thanks: to Raquel, always.

The night had been one long tease for Billy. It began when Dominic, half out of his costume (and therefore half naked), began rolling his hips and dancing enthusiastically to the music Elijah insisted on playing at deafening volume. Once they were all back in their normal clothes, Dom slung his arms around the three other hobbits and pulled them outside, twisting awkwardly so that they could all fit through the narrow door together.

“Clubbing tonight?” he asked cheerfully. Sean shook his head, saying that Chris and Ali were waiting for him at home, but Elijah launched himself onto Dom’s back in his eagerness. “C’mon, Bill, come with us,” Dom pleaded, wrapping Elijah’s legs around his waist so that he wouldn’t fall. “Don’t leave me alone with this monkey.”

How could Billy resist? He simply couldn’t.

Three hours later, Elijah was chatting up a blonde girl at the bar and Dom was in the midst of a throng of people on the dance floor. Billy had been up and down for the last few songs, claiming he was getting tired, but in reality, he was getting very drunk, and very affectionate. Very affectionate with Dom, anyway, which just wouldn’t do. So Billy excused himself and sat down at an empty table, sloshing his drink over his hand and watching Dom out of the corner of his eye.

The lights were flashing and apparently it was getting hot out there, because Dom was sweating just enough to give his skin a slight sheen. Dom’s shirt, a gaudy, bright red button-down, had come unbuttoned down to Dom’s navel at some point in the night, and the loose fabric shifted with every move Dom made, giving Billy a fantastic view of Dom's chest. Billy gave up trying not to stare and turned to give Dom his full attention. The sideways, furtive glances, along with the alcohol and flashing lights, had been giving him a headache anyway.

Billy ordered another drink from a pretty waitress that walked by his table. His eyes followed her back to the bar and landed on Elijah, who seemed to be making good progress with the blonde. His hand was on her bare knee and he was speaking in her ear-not whispering, Billy was sure, because the volume of the music wouldn’t allow it. The waitress returned with Billy’s drink, and he raised it in a silent toast to Elijah.

“God, I need to get laid,” Billy muttered, turning back to look for Dom again. When he finally spotted his friend, his mouth fell open.

Dom was dancing-no, it was more like writhing-against a tall, dark-haired man who also had his shirt unbuttoned, showing his sweat-shiny, firm chest. The man’s hands were gripping Dom’s hips and both men’s legs were intertwined. Billy was surprised they were managing to stay upright. The tall man bent his neck and kissed Dom’s throat wetly. Dom leaned backwards to give him more room to work, but one of the guy’s hands slid up, underneath Dom’s shirt, to catch him and hold their bodies flush together.

Billy licked his lips; his mouth suddenly felt very dry. Dom and his tall friend were giving quite a show on the dance floor, and Billy couldn’t deny the effect it was having on him. He tried to convince himself it was just the (admittedly erotic) visuals and not the fact that it was his best mate practically getting molested on the dance floor.

Elijah appeared beside him, the blonde girl at his arm.

“Heya, Billy. This is Katie. We’re gonna head off, okay?”


“Tell Dom g’night for me. Is he going with…” Elijah trailed off, staring at Dom and the man he was dancing with.

“I have no idea. I’ll talk to him before I leave, though.”

“Alright, well, I’ll see you two tomorrow. ‘Night, Billy!”

“G’night, Lij. It was nice to meet you, Katie.”

The girl giggled and waved goodbye, then dragged Elijah towards the door. Billy swallowed the end of his drink and stood up a bit unsteadily. He pushed his way through the dancers and tapped Dom on the shoulder. The other man raised his head to look at Billy curiously. Dom leaned away from his companion and twisted towards Billy.

“Elijah’s just left,” Billy said without preamble.

Dom peeled himself away from the tall man and slung an arm over Billy’s shoulders. “Dance with me, Bill.”

“Your friend there-”

“C’mon, Billy,” Dom insisted, tugging Billy away from the man. He curled his arms around Billy’s neck and started dancing again. Billy didn’t know quite what to do with his own hands, but Dom solved the problem for him by guiding them to his hips. “Dance with me, Billy,” he murmured into Billy’s ear.

“God, Dominic-” Billy gasped, realizing what he had almost said. He jerked his head back to look Dom in the eye. Surprisingly, Dom was grinning.

“I want you, Billy,” he said simply. Billy just gaped. “Billy?” Dom’s grin faltered slightly. “I, uh. I think you’re unbelievably attractive and sexy and fantastic and I want you, Billy. Say something. Please.”

“Yes,” Billy breathed, closing the distance between them and catching Dom’s lips in a fierce, open-mouthed kiss. Dom pressed his body against Billy’s and moaned into Billy’s mouth. After a moment, Billy pulled back. “My place?”

“Yes, now, please, let’s go,” Dom said quickly. Without letting go of each other, they made their way towards the door and to Dom’s car. “Billy,” Dom said between kisses. “You have’ta, uh. Bill. Wait. I need to drive. Mmm… No, wait, we need to stop for a minute. Wait until we get home.”

Dom pushed Billy away firmly and they both stood very still, trying to catch their breath. Dom opened the passenger-side door and got in, pulling Billy with him. They kissed again, awkwardly sprawled over the two front seats, until Dom broke away again.

“I have to drive. We have to stop so I can drive.”

“Right,” Billy agreed, leaning in to kiss Dom again anyway. Kissing Dom was amazing and Billy didn’t know why they’d never done it before. Dom moaned and tightened his grip on Billy’s shirt.

“Bill… Oh god… No no no, wait, stop. We have to get home. Like, now.” Dom kissed the tip of Billy’s nose and crawled backwards until he was in the driver’s seat and they were separated by the car’s middle console. He took several deep breaths, pointedly not looking over at Billy, and reached down to start the car. “Billy, where are my keys?”

“Um…” Billy looked around, thinking they’d fallen to the floor during the unexpected snogging session. “Um…” he said again. “Oh.”


Billy opened his door and reached around, feeling for the handle outside. “Left them in the door,” he explained, shutting the door again and handing Dom his jangling key ring. “Get us home, Dommie.”

Five minutes later, Dom pulled the car off into an empty parking lot so he wouldn’t drive into a lamppost while Billy kissed and sucked and nipped at his throat.

“We’re never going to get home, Bill.”


“Mmmm. Yeah. You could fuck me here.”

“Oh god, Dominic.” Billy’s hands slid quickly underneath Dom’s shirt. “No, no, wait. We’ll get arrested or something. And there’s no bed, or whatever. No room. Have to get home. Drive, Dommeh, before I take you up on that. I’ll stop distracting you, I promise.”

Reluctantly, Billy pushed away from Dom and pressed himself against the car door, as far away from Dom as possible. After a moment, Dom gripped the steering wheel and started driving again, resolutely staring out the front window and ignoring Billy as best he could.

They neared the house only a few minutes later, but it felt like years to Billy. He’d followed Dom’s example and stared out the window, because whenever he looked over at Dom, images of what they would soon be doing flooded his mind. The harsh light from the street lamps only highlighted the sharp angles of Dom’s jaw and threw shadows of his eyelashes across his cheek.

Now, even though he was no longer staring at Dom, Billy could see those images in his mind, picture his fingers (or his tongue) sweeping over those angles and shadows. Billy was nearly shaking with anticipation when the house came into view.

Once Dom had finally parked the car in the drive, Billy leaped out and went around to pull Dom from the driver’s side. Dom came willingly, plastering himself to Billy’s chest again. Together, they stumbled towards the front door, nearly tripping themselves in their haste.

Dom tried to unlock the door without breaking their kiss, which was becoming something even more than desperate. He backed Billy into the door, presumably planning to reach behind him for the doorknob, but Billy pushed back against Dom and heard the keys clatter to the ground instead. Dom groaned with pleasure and didn’t fight very hard when Billy held him upright.

Billy knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he should let Dom bend over and pick up the keys, let him open the door, let him secure their privacy, but now that they keys were on the ground rather than in Dom’s hands, Dom seemed unconcerned with privacy at all, and by this point, Billy couldn’t bring himself to care either.

Billy clumsily spun them around so that Dom was the one pressed against the door and proceeded to devour Dom’s mouth. Dom seemed perfectly amenable to the maneuver, grabbing Billy’s arse and pulling him closer still.

Billy could feel Dom’s rock-hard length against his thigh, and without thinking, he reached down to tug at the zip of Dom’s already loose jeans. Dom gasped when Billy’s hand finally gripped him, helplessly thrusting his hips forward.

Billy broke off their sloppy kiss and grinned fiercely at Dom, who flashed Billy a weak smirk in response. Dom looked like he was about to say something, but Billy’s hand stroking him roughly in his jeans was obviously distracting him, so Billy stopped, squeezing Dom’s length gently, and licked Dom’s chin.

“Tell me, Dommeh,” he whispered.

“God, Bill,” Dom muttered brokenly. “Do you even know how long I’ve waited for this?”

Billy’s hear leaped into his throat and he shook his head, unable to speak.

Dom wrapped his arm around Billy's neck and pulled him in for an enthusiastic kiss. "So long, Billy," he breathed, his lips still touching Billy's. "Wanted you to notice me for so long."

Billy was both elated and irrationally angry at Dom's admission. He growled and dove in for another kiss, this time nipping at Dom's lower lip. Dom made a desperate noise, spurring Billy on.

"Should've told me, y'bastard," Billy hissed, resuming the motion of his hand on Dom's cock. Dom reached down to squeeze his wrist encouragingly.

"Does it matter right now?" Dom gasped. "Just fucking do something before I go mad with the waiting."

Billy let go of Dom breifly to undo his own jeans. Dom caught on and helped him out, his hands insistent and greedy. When Dom finally pushed through the layers of cloth, Billy felt like he was burning up with fever. The cold air on his bare skin sent a shiver down his spine, though, and Billy quickly looked around.

"Fuck, Dom, we're still outside," he whispered, catching Dom's wrist and holding him still. Dom's eyes didn't even leave Billy's face.

"Don't care," he said with a sly smile.

"I do! Get the fucking keys, before somebody sees us." Billy glanced around again. It was late, and all of the neighbors' lights were off, but the very idea of someone catching them made Billy's heart race. He nudged Dom down, and Dom went willingly.

And then he surprised Billy by wrapping his lips around Billy's exposed cock without warning while he was down there.

"Fuck!" Billy gave a strangled cry and twisted a hand into Dom's sweaty hair. Dom's mouth was so wet, and hot, and oh god, his tongue--Billy's legs felt weak and he knew they wouldn't hold him if Dom continued much longer. And fuck, did Dom know how to use that mouth. Billy risked a glance downward and it nearly sent him over the edge. He moaned loudly.

Dom pulled off and smirked up at him, somehow managing to look innocent and playful even though his eyeliner was smudged on his cheeks, his hair was a spiky mess, and his lips were deliciously swollen. "Quietly, Billy. Don't want anyone to catch us, do you?"

That sent a thrill through Billy's limbs and he closed his eyes. He knew a dare when he heard one. Dom's mouth enveloped him again, and he didn't stop with just his mouth; Dom used his hands as well, one curling around the back of Billy's knee, where it should've been ticklish but wasn't, and the other gently rolling and squeezing Billy's balls.

Dom mumbled something around Billy's cock, but the sounds was lost. Billy, now with a frenzied tension in his muscles, gave up trying to restrain himself and thrust into Dom's mouth. He was rewarded with another sound from Dom, and the vibrations did him in. Billy came with a weak cry and started to go limp in Dom's arms. Dom held him steady, swallowing around the head of Billy's cock and waited until Billy had regained his balance before letting him slip from his mouth.

Dom reached down and Billy heard the jangle of the forgotten keys. He pulled Dom up by the hand and kissed him again, getting another thrill from the foreign taste on Dom's tongue. Dom turned the kiss more forceful, thrusting his tongue between Billy's lips and rolling his hips against Billy's thigh, so he could feel Dom's still rock-hard cock.

Billy was startled when a passing car's headlights flashed across Dom's face, and he whipped his head around to look. The car turned into a garage down the street. Billy looked back at Dom with a giddy smile, which Dom echoed.

Dom then raised his hand, holding the keys up to Billy's face. "Time to go inside, I think."


fanfic, lotrips

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