Fic: Games

Jun 08, 2007 23:17

title: Games
pairing: Billy/Dom, Dom/Elijah
rating: PG-13 for angst
summary: Dominic's caught in between them. He's not sure of the rules of this game they're playing.
disclaimer: this is completely untrue.

They play a game, the three of them, but Dominic isn't quite sure of the rules. Actually, he's not sure if he's even playing; he's more like the game piece or perhaps the six-sided dice or maybe a card to be flipped.

Billy and Elijah, they're the players, Dominic realizes, observing them both from afar. His friends talk together, laugh together, but he knows they're always playing, subversively, always manipulating each other into making a wrong move. After over two months of this back-and-forth game, Dominic starts to think they're playing for keeps.

He's caught, pulled between them; Billy has a solid grasp, a hand curled around his neck and another at his waist; Elijah twines his fingers with Dominic's and whispers constantly in his ear. Billy pulls--Dominic knows it's because Billy thinks Elijah's poisoning him with his words.

Billy's the jealous type, although one wouldn't know it looking at him. Dominic's been caught under Billy's umbrella of protectiveness and possessiveness, and it feels good. He feels good, taken care of, loved.

Elijah's more of a "friend-with-benefits", although Dominic's always hated that phrase. Dominic doesn't think that Elijah wants to play for keeps, but Elijah's also very competitive, and if that's the way Billy's playing, he'll play that way too.

One night, Dominic gets literally pulled in two different directions. Each of his lovers has taken him by the hand (well, in reality, Billy grabs his wrist, not his hand), and tugged him towards their respective bedrooms. Dominic flinches away from both of them; he hasn't slept in his own bed for over two weeks.

Elijah's eyes widen with confusion, while Billy's narrow and sparkle, his brow wrinkling. Dominic shakes his head at both of them, turning around, retreating quickly down the hall.

He's tired of being the prize; he's made his first move as a player.

In the morning, Billy appears by his head, staring down at him. Dominic rubs his eyes.

"What was that last night?"

"The rules have changed, Billy," Dom mumbles, turning back into his pillow. A minute later, Billy gets off the bed and leaves.

Elijah comes in while Dominic's getting dressed after breakfast.

"Dommie, what's wrong?"


"Then why didn't you come with me?"

"The rules have changed," Dominic says softly. He sighs and shoos Elijah out.

After a week, Dominic finds that he doesn't like being a player, but he doesn't want to go back to being the prize either. He realizes he doesn't want to play for keeps.

Dominic doesn't know the rules of this game they're playing. It's not like Tig, where he can just make anything up and have Billy and Elijah follow it, however crazy it is. Dominic doesn't think he likes games anymore.

They're all together, the three of them, when Dominic says, "I forfeit. I don't want to play anymore."

Billy raises an eyebrow; Elijah smiles. Dominic shakes his head and explains, "I don't want to be played with, either. I'm done."

As he walks away, Dominic thinks, all games come to an end sometime.


fanfic, one-shot, lotrips

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