Review: The Butterfly Effect

Jan 12, 2007 23:36

omg, I actually wrote a review! I can't believe I haven't in so long. Hopefully now I'm back in the swing of things, I'll write them more as I see the movies instead of waaaay later. I think I'm just going to give up on recalling the details of Casino Royale and Pursuit of Happyness.

So anyway, I just watched The Butterfly Effect.

I've been all excited about seeing Ashton Kutcher in a substantial role because (and not that I've actually watched much of it) I really can't stand those stupid "comedy" things that he does. Punk'd is funny every now and then, and I've watched like, two episodes of That 70s Show, but seriously, Ashton Kutcher can act if he tries hard enough. And in this movie, he tries hard enough.

There were parts that seemed kind of fake, meaning that his character didn't seem 'in' the scene as much as he should have been, but then again, the whole movie was pretty bizarre, so maybe I'm supposed to take that as the character?

I must say, I really liked the whole angsty abusive past deal. That's the kind of think I like to read and write in fics and books, so it was cool to see it in a movie. The time-warp thing can easily fall into cliche, but I don't think this movie did. There were obviously things that I could predict, but some of that stuff just has to happen to further the drama. But at the end, when the doctor says that it's all a figment of his imagination and he made up the other lives to deal with the girl dying, that had me convinced. For a while there, I thought the doctor was right and he just finally woke up, ya know? Then that last flashback, that was absolutely perfect. He had to sacrifice the love of his life to make sure she survived. That was beautiful, because he didn't end up with the girl.

But really, I was prepared for the movie to end with him paralyzed with no arms. I thought, when he was in that bathtub, that he was going to end it there and that way everyone would be happy (oh god, I just realized how like RunAway!Dom that sounded... >.<), but then of course, he had to save his mom. I almost think it would've been better if the mom wasn't brought back into the story and he had killed himself. Show a nice little wrap-up where everyone's still happy, to show that he had to sacrifice himself to make that happen, but I also think that would've gone a bit far off from the whole "happy ending" that Hollywood expects.

ps: I've updated my Movie Review list with other movies I've watched but that I'm not going to write reviews for. All the 'Coming Soon's are gone now. I've just given up. Fresh start. :D

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