Title: Heart-Shaped Box
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Set after "The Itch" so all appropriate spoilers apply; check yes for angsty sex, foul language and other naughty things.
Summary: Smutty smut. I've outdone myself.
Disclaimer: You know I don't own them. If I did, we'd be making porn.
Feedback: Yes, please. I've been obsessing over this in various forms
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Comments 39
I already told you how much I love the first part and I really LOVE the complete story! Now I understand what you meant with "more angsty and layered"! I love the end so much. The "missing" condom is something I didn't expect, but that's exactly how I could imagine a House/Cuddy baby being conceived. No talking or planning in advance, but just THIS! This is so in character. ♥
There's definitely room for a sequel... *hint-hint*
I'm kind of toying w/ the idea of a sequel, but you know how slowly I write. The potential does exist, though.
Thank you for not hating it. :)
Well, you know when my next birthday will be! Is that enough time?!? Hey, just kidding, I won't get demanding on you! ;)
Oh, shut up! *glowers mock-threateningly* :)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you for being one of my biggest cheerleaders! :)
Just perfect, you are an amazing writer. that was... so vivid and hot and complex... and I stand by the raymond chandler comparison the images are so vivid and in character and prefect. I keep saying that because it really is.
I would love to read a sequel (as long as you also keep working on BLP)
Give me a few days to switch gears, then I'll start working on BLP again. :)
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