This time for
luvscharlie , because I love Charlie too. And every time I get a prompt with him, I just have to write it.
silent_cassia Request: fic
Prompt: "I chose dragons"
Pairing: Charlie/Tonks
Rating: G
A/N: Not beta read, not quite proofread, so if you find silly mistakes, feel free to point them out. Or ignore them.
Less than dragons )
Comments 4
Oh wow what a cool glimpse of their past - I could so see Charlie saying that. "Yep - I like dragons better than girls."
And the bitter sweet ending. Then it was too late.
I couldn't think of what color to have Tonks' hair become when she got angry. She's talking to a redhead, after all. After about 45 minutes creative anguish, I decided to go with candy apple red. It wasn't until after I had started writing that I realized it doesn't matter, because she can't see her own hair. Doh!
They are great together but I can see how they wouldn't work in the long run as well.
I really like how Charlie is only half there, already knowing where he's headed and that Tonks isn't quite ready to give up just yet.
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