princess_hurt wrote in
Jul 16, 2010 00:32
[In some apartment somewhere, the door opens.]
I'm home, Dad.
Listen... Something crazy's going on...
josh_wait wrote in
Oct 26, 2008 23:39
Anyone seen a kid run by here? Short, orange shirt, green shorts, possibly holding a doll of that creepy rabbit from the amusement park in Silent Hill?
revedepapillon wrote in
Aug 13, 2008 14:30
There's pain to escape, whenever I wake up. there anything out there I have to run from, or fight? there anyone here?
I've lost the time...but I don't think I ever really had it, anyway.
trianglewins wrote in
Jul 23, 2008 23:50
hEre. tHey aRE Here. ALiVE.
hEarts bEatIng. fuLL of bLoOd.
jUdgEmeNt. tHeY hAve siNNed.
ThEy mUst be pUniShed.
staticnotsound wrote in
Jul 19, 2008 17:37
...God damn it, why do I have to learn new and inventive ways of getting a migraine?
Hello? What the hell is this?
deserveflowers wrote in
Jul 19, 2008 01:42
This isn't my room. This isn't my home.
But, I remember being home. I was about to go to sleep, before...
So, am I dead now?
Am I... all alone now?
James, why?
bossfight wrote in
Jul 18, 2008 19:24
OKAY I'M MAKING THIS INTO AN AFFILIATE REQUEST POST. Because I know I'm too nervous to IM people randomly.
If you want it, come get it. |D Comment here and I'll pretty much add you no questions asked, seriously.
Um, as long as it's Silent Hill or Dressing Room related somehow.