
Aug 24, 2011 01:33

Okay, so I quit my job in July. And it's now been just over a month of unemployment and not a whole lot of words added to the novel that is that reason I quit my job ( Read more... )

ego-maniac, rambling, thinky thoughts

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silensy August 24 2011, 18:21:21 UTC
Outlines! I love them. I want to hug and squish them.

At least at first. Then I get needlessly picky with them and spend all my time on the outline instead of writing. I need an off switch.


heinous_bitca August 24 2011, 13:18:58 UTC
My friend Sarah, aka matociquala, often has writing craft posts. Might be hard to find under other things she writes.

One of the things I'd recommend is if something is blocking you, if you're stuck, then work on another part of the book. You don't have to write linearly! Or write some background for a character or two. Just putting words to paper might help.


silensy August 24 2011, 18:23:32 UTC
Writing out of order doesn't work for me because if I keep a tough bit, I won't go back to write it. It just gets more and more insurmountable in my head until I abandon the whole thing.

I wish I could jump around. Writing a fun bit as a reward for writing a hard bit would be a good motivator.


meallanmouse August 24 2011, 14:46:23 UTC
Engaging with someone. Seriously. A person who is there to read the words you write each time (every day). Who will say "I like this, give me more!" or "Not sure, try again?" and who will essentially work with you to keep you motivated and going.

But also? For me, writing IS a job. I write every day. Doesn't matter what I write, but it has to be set hours and it's a job. There's non-work writing, for sure, and it's fun, but there's also work-writing, which is meant to get things done.


silensy August 24 2011, 19:29:43 UTC
Writing groups really are super good for that. I keep meaning to look up one that's local. Strangers are helpful that way.

Job=writing is what I'm trying to get back into the mentality for, definitely. Old Job turned into so much managing/editing instead of writing that my words every day muscles got flabby and weak, like a tiny baby.


meallanmouse August 24 2011, 19:33:35 UTC
I remind you that babies, they have got BITING down gooooood! ;)

Try for an online mailing list as well, maybe - Del Rey had one which I was on for a while that seemed very good, for example. That's where Jim Butcher got his start, which I remember seeing happen! :)


meallanmouse August 24 2011, 19:36:52 UTC

azzinita August 24 2011, 15:29:09 UTC
How I write:

a) coffeeshops. especially when I was unemployed, I had to earn that cup of coffee and bagel,m so I would have to write at least 2,000 words. Treat writing like your job, and a coffeeshop like your office. Changing scenery is extremely helpful to me, and if you find the perfect place, you can start to write like whoa.

b) outlining. If anything else, I make up a list of scenes (not unlike a log list of old) and go from there.

c) free write. some of what you come up with will be unusable, but some of it will be magic.

d) if you're like me, go to grad school and get insomnia. I write a LOT when it's 2 am and I can't sleep.


nystana August 24 2011, 19:42:22 UTC
Deadlines help immensely.

I joined a writing lab just to force myself to turn out pages. I've also joined a few contests that have pushed me to finish my writing assignments.

Most days - when I write, it's every day for at least the first half of the morning but I'm a binge writer. I sit at a desk, coffee shop, work space and just write for hours on end. I usually don't stop until it's time for bed. I write for long hours on some days and some days I have to take some R&R or I'll crack. It's all about what works best for you but what I do is different from what you're doing so I guess listen to the novel experts over what I write here.

Best of luck to you lady. :) Can't wait to read it!!!


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