When the fever breaks

Jun 22, 2010 15:36

...I feel so much better now ( Read more... )

quotes, thinky thoughts

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Comments 4

cloudtrader June 22 2010, 23:05:04 UTC
I read that awhile back. Some of it, I recognized from my Barnes & Noble days, but I truly believe that successful retail businesses must in some way incorporate some of that dysfunction. I also see elements of that dysfunction in teaching. Teachers are asked to give up a huge portion of their time, completely unpaid, to further the goals of the school/community, and are then chastised, blamed, and put down when, despite semi-heroic efforts, some students still fail. The sad thing is, most good teachers are in teaching because of a need to help and heal and it just beats them down because they have few support systems, while most bad teachers just don't care. :-(


rhipowered June 22 2010, 23:32:14 UTC
Not just retail. All corporate entities do it in some ways.


hikaru June 22 2010, 23:21:46 UTC
Thank you for the link. It resonates with me on a whole lot of different levels, right about now.


ashkitty June 23 2010, 00:22:44 UTC
I read that a while ago too. I definitely recognised it. And then felt really lucky I'm not there anymore.


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