Fic: Bending the Rules 1/?

Jun 08, 2013 00:20

Um, hi. It has been an age, hasn't it? (If anyone is still here? Are you still here? I hope you are, I've missed you.) I come bearing fic ( Read more... )

fanfic, bending the rules, hg/ss

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Comments 16

melusin_79 June 8 2013, 08:47:21 UTC
hi there
great to see you back!


silburygirl June 8 2013, 08:53:49 UTC
Thanks! It's nice to be back, if slightly nerve-wracking because I haven't posted anything I've written in years.


shiv5468 June 8 2013, 10:12:04 UTC
Oh hello you!

ANd good to see fic!


silburygirl June 8 2013, 15:24:43 UTC
Hello, hello! Are people still writing fic, or have I dated myself horribly?


shiv5468 June 8 2013, 15:38:29 UTC
Oh no, there is still some ficcying going on!


silburygirl June 8 2013, 15:42:38 UTC
Oh, good, for a moment I was worried that I'd have to feel old or something.


dreamy_dragon73 June 8 2013, 12:43:32 UTC
Hello there
it's very nice to see you again :)


silburygirl June 8 2013, 15:25:35 UTC
*blush* Likewise!


harmony_bites June 8 2013, 21:32:31 UTC

*bounces* *bounces* *bounces* *bounces*

Now, I'm not bitter... really. And actually this wasn't my prompt, just when you hit on the idea I was--and remained *cough* enthusiastic. You do still owe me Severus Snape, Dungeon Master though...

But I'll take this:

he rest of his body followed his head, and he slipped into the chair across from her, crossing his legs as though to make himself as unobtrusive as possible. She had spent the last five years becoming an expert in the ways of Severus Snape, and every part of his body language oozed guilt, which meant that he had done something wrong or was asking for a favour-in her experience, usually both.

Might as well take advantage.

You didn't think after this I'd leave you alone, did you?


silburygirl June 8 2013, 21:39:34 UTC
There are so, so many prompts I never finished writing. You can't expect me to remember them all, can you?

Sorry I'm such a flake, but at least you got something eventually. I'm warning you, though... the yoga scene is messy.


harmony_bites June 8 2013, 23:47:03 UTC
There are so, so many prompts I never finished writing. You can't expect me to remember them all, can you?

Of course not! That's why I'm here to nag remind you until you finally do it!

Sorry I'm such a flake, but at least you got something eventually. I'm warning you, though... the yoga scene is messy.

No worries! I'll deal. :-p


corbye June 9 2013, 23:17:44 UTC
I'm so glad melusin_79 mentioned this in her latest post. Though I'm not on your flist I had to squee.

It's so great to see something new from the author of The Proper Care and Feeding of Zombies (featuring my absolute favorite undead Snape, BTW). I'm glad to see your humorous but affectionate and clear-eyed take on the characters again. If you can, I'd love to read more of this.


silburygirl June 10 2013, 05:15:53 UTC
Aw, thanks! Flist or no flist, it's lovely to see you here-you're very kind and I am blushing. I'm impressed/surprised that you remember The Proper Care and Feeding of Zombies-it feels like I wrote that several lifetimes ago.

There will definitely be more of this baby; I wouldn't have started posting it if I didn't intend to finish it... eventually. (Working on Chapter 2 right now, despite the mountain of other stuff I should be doing.)


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