Why I should not be allowed to go grocery shopping after yoga

Feb 21, 2011 19:01

I buy every flavour of Kombucha I can find and then spend half an hour in the Asian food aisle debating which type of dried seaweed I should get. (Also, did you know that there is a brand of coconut water-which I became hopelessly addicted to when doing hot yoga in Vegas over the summer-that has actual chunks of coconut in it? I love crazy hippie ( Read more... )

cooking, general silliness

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Comments 4

harmony_bites February 22 2011, 03:42:41 UTC
I cannot sneer. I am on a Quinoa kick--making versions of tabouli with it and just bought a Quinoa bread. (So called, whole wheat and barley are actually the first two ingredients.) My only complaint really is the thing is so damned expensive compared to say rice.


silburygirl February 22 2011, 22:59:55 UTC
BULK. FIND A STORE THAT SELLS IT IN BULK. Then you can fill your cupboards with it and find quinoa flakes and quinoa flour for baking. Also, apparently you can make your own quinoa sprouts out of the seeds, which is pretty excellent.

I have a cookbook of quinoa recipes that I would lend to you if I could (sadly, not all vegetarian).

If I can find bulk quinoa in multiple places in my tiny little island city, you should be able to find it in NYC. Whole Foods, maybe?


shiv5468 February 22 2011, 10:03:27 UTC
That all sounds very healthy.

Er I don't mean that in a bad way. Honest.


silburygirl February 22 2011, 22:53:37 UTC
This is what 53 days in a row of hot yoga does to you. (7 more and then I will collapse.)

In my defence, the super-saltiness of miso soup theoretically helps with water retention, and since I've spent 90 minutes of every day this year bending in sauna-esque temperatures... I need that water retention.


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