Title: Demon Dean - Chapter Twelve Author: sil9800 Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel Pairing: GEN - None Rating: PG-13 Warnings/contains: Adult Language and Violence Word count: 34,573
Speechless, really..A lot of suspenseful moments; all of them making you want to rush to find out what's next, then finding another surprise. :) I'm so happy for the angels, yet wondering if it was all too 'easy'..nothing ever goes right for any of them. :} And now, the Sam/Dean moment..waiting for the next installment. :)
With all Cas and Gabriel had to go through to get the wings and open the gates, I'm not so sure I would call it "easy" lol (well, maybe the gates part, lol) I guess I felt it was time to get Cas' mojo back so he can help Sam and/or Dean ;)
Again, thank you so much for the kind words, they really mean a lot and motivate me to get back to writing! See ya on twitter! :)
Comments 4
With all Cas and Gabriel had to go through to get the wings and open the gates, I'm not so sure I would call it "easy" lol (well, maybe the gates part, lol) I guess I felt it was time to get Cas' mojo back so he can help Sam and/or Dean ;)
Again, thank you so much for the kind words, they really mean a lot and motivate me to get back to writing! See ya on twitter! :)
Thank you so much for the comment! :)
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