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siiy November 26 2011, 08:36:52 UTC
dsgjkfhkhf ;O;


everlasting24 November 25 2011, 22:30:41 UTC
Nice load of doujinshi's you have there^^

I also have the Starry Sky figure-Azusa Kinose, it's such a beautiful figure, you really need to make some space for it :)

Btw I don't know if you already done this, but you don't need to worry about the tax if you ask your seller to write a lower value on the package around $25, then you don't need to pay any tax even if the package is a lot more worth, I do it all the time, and that way I don't need to pay any taxes. (I assume you also live in The Netherlands?)


siiy November 26 2011, 08:38:47 UTC
Thanks ! :D

Yeah I quit collecting figures because figures + doujinshis when you are a student with only a couple of hours work in the week isn't gonna make it x_x But I couldn't resist him though ! So little male figures !

UGH THE THING IS, when packages are 5-10KG people won't really believe that it's only worth $25 inside D: But now I know not to go over €80 so that it will still be tax free :D I mean, having 30 books inside and them only being worth $25 [which is €15 @_@] is not believable and I rather not they snoop around 8D;


kykou_yk November 27 2011, 03:03:17 UTC
Taxes are terrible. Your gramps should've opened the box for the lady and brought out the porn and said, are you suuuure you want to be associated with holding this package xDD?

Everything looks lovely though *O*'


siiy November 27 2011, 08:48:14 UTC
ikr e_e

LOL he /kind of/ knows what's in but also not really, and and these are pretty tame compared to other doujinshis lololol XD


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