I've got the moves like Jagger

Oct 09, 2011 20:28

Y'know, I usually don't go out of my comfort zone because, well, why should I ? I have it nice in my comfort zone, I don't like to usually go out and ~experience~ new stuff - but sometimes I'm ready to step out for various reasons, like why I did art for this story, not planning to spend time on the reasons why - but when I finished reading the ( Read more... )

community: lj cut, actor: jared padalecki, friends: insertcode11, posts: public, graphics: general, serie: supernatural

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Comments 18

trollmela October 9 2011, 20:04:50 UTC
Now I finally have the time to comment on your art. (I'm juggling so many open tabs, I think I'll go mad in a minute.)

I've said all of this before but I want to say it again: I love the art you've created for me, and I love every piece of it. For me, this art is the most wonderful thing about the mini bang. Thank you for all the help and providing for the extra requests I had!

So, just wondering, if I want art from you again, does that mean I have to write more Sam/Dean and J2?


siiy October 9 2011, 20:14:33 UTC
Haha same here, tabs to the comm, your masterpost, this, email, etc etc XD

And as I've said before, I'm definitely happy you like the art :) Definitely my priority ! Your story is awesome and you put a lot of time in it so making something you like based on your fic is awesome ! And it definitely wasn't a stretch :D

Bwahaha, that would definitely persuade me ;D But I don't think you like Wincest/J2 ? :D? Though I wouldn't mind doing art for you if you want me to when I'm not too busy ofc :]


trollmela October 9 2011, 20:19:30 UTC
Oh, I do like Wincest and J2 but so far I've only written a few Sam/Dean stories (I think? *Goes to open one more tab and check on her master fic list*) Wow, I've actually only written one true Sam/Dean, the other one is a threesome with Castiel. I'll have to work on that :D

How about this: if I think of a great story idea for Sam/Dean, I'll let you know and if you like and have the time, you can see whether you want to do art for it.


siiy October 9 2011, 20:24:30 UTC
Ohh okay XD Cause I checked your profile and I didn't see you a member of any wincest/j2 comms so I wasn't sure :D

Haha sure, I'm up for it :D Though lol I feel bad for saying this but I kind of only read top!Jensen/Dean fics @_@ For a friend - you - I'd make the art anyways [idk your preferences?] but yeah my general preferences are for bottom!Jared/Sam /o/


deadflowers5 October 9 2011, 20:33:45 UTC
Great art!


siiy October 9 2011, 20:36:11 UTC
Thank you !! :D


darlapr0duction October 10 2011, 06:32:17 UTC
Amazing art for an amzing story X


siiy October 10 2011, 09:41:30 UTC
Thanks for the compliment :D


deadflowers5 October 10 2011, 14:20:05 UTC
Amazing art! And I loved the shadow of the wing too!


wolfish_willow February 5 2012, 20:47:37 UTC
Somehow I never ended up commenting on this. So I should fix that.

I love this art! And I know you don't actually read Sam/Gabriel, but that doesn't translate to this at all. It's gorgeous and perfect for the story and I just want to roll around in it. hee

Amazing! <3<3<3


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