Lolwut akino.

May 04, 2011 18:54

I sent Akino an email a couple of hours ago asking if she'd already sent out my Supernatural The Animation S1 DVD/Hakuouki merchandise package out and she replied back with that she did that on sunday :D So obviously it will come next week. /o ( Read more... )

games: hakuouki, community: lj cut, posts: public, personal: pictures, actor: j2, serie: supernatural

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Comments 4

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siiy May 4 2011, 18:40:11 UTC
I know rite ! :D Though the DVD case of epi 1-2 is the same as the cover of the BOX so they could have had something different for the DVD case >_< But on the other hand they try to re-do the real covers with their boxes so yeah it's conflicted feelings :'D


arachne13 May 5 2011, 02:57:35 UTC
Still can't stand the way Dean looks, but I love the box set! Hope the one sold out here is as nice!


siiy May 5 2011, 07:55:22 UTC
I agree XD He looks more comical than.....Jensen but it's Supernatural which automatically makes it a must buy :'D


arachne13 May 5 2011, 08:00:59 UTC
I agree, definitely buying it.


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