Gift for bree-black for spn_j2_xmas

Dec 21, 2010 17:03

Title: Drowning in Memories.
Artist: siiy / kin.
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Castiel.
Rating: G.

Notes: This is a gift for bree_black who requested "Sam/Dean/Castiel" :)

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character: dean, graphics: wallpaper, photoshop: graphics, fandom: wincest, graphics: exchange, photoshop: cs5, posts: public, graphics: icons, character: sam, character: castiel, serie: supernatural

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Comments 23

Thank you! bree_black December 22 2010, 16:04:04 UTC
It's so very lovely! I enjoy the openness of it so much - every time I look at it I think of a new, different story it could be telling. I love the aged look - like the choice Dean might be making is history, or is going to be. I also love the uncertainty in everyone's expressions. It's really like Dean is standing at a creossroads and no one knows what's coming next. Thank you so much for this gift! It's beautiful, and it's sturred up all kinds of ficlet bunnies in my head. :) <3


Re: Thank you! siiy December 22 2010, 16:17:06 UTC
Heeee I'm so glad you like it ! \o\ That's exactly what it portrays ! :D Dean is going to make a choice and they can't do anything to stop it and it's all up to him ! \o/ I'm glad it gave you inspiration, I really am !


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siiy December 22 2010, 18:26:18 UTC
Haha thank you ! :'D


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siiy December 22 2010, 18:28:57 UTC
I know it's not your cup of tea, don't worry about it ! :D


preferthemoss December 22 2010, 20:06:36 UTC
I love this so much! Instant classic for me, thanks for sharing! ♥


siiy December 23 2010, 08:50:54 UTC
Thank you ! I'm glad you like it :D


amindaya December 22 2010, 20:59:37 UTC
This is really, really gorgeous. Lovely texture and expression/screencap choices, great composition. It's just so PRETTY. I love it.


siiy December 23 2010, 08:52:05 UTC
Thanks ! :D It took me more time than I expected, I just had to check out how every grunge brush would work :')


kaczurda December 23 2010, 21:32:02 UTC
This is incredible!


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