Title: The reason behind an unwelcome child (Sequel to
Rumors spread like wildfire)
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Genre: angst, incest
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Their family was breaking apart and they all knew it.
Hyukjae is by no means a bad student. He usually was one of the top students in class, never slacking off and trying his best to keep his grades up. )
Comments 35
Lemme take care of Hae 8)
And Hyukjae, you SLEPT with Sungmin. Oh, oh, OH. You're a bitch Hyukjae, how could you ;~~~~~~;
Couldn't resist the temptation. Stupid Slutjae.
yes hyuk!! u've been relly selfish
& WTH??!!u slept with sungmin??as in, u guys did it??oh, i so can't forgive u hyuk(even though u're my bias)
i wonder what happen at the end.if hae & his mom are fighting, who the one that answer hyuk's call??
gah, hae should never be treated that way.i hope hyuk will do something!!
we'll see :D
Mr.Fish is an unwanted child?! OMG NOOOOOOO /cries in a corner Don't do thaaaaaaaaat!!!
And Hyukjae, you better hurry to your brother!!!!
SHFIOASSOS Can't wait for more!!!!
asdkjhkladjklasd ♥
I feel sorry for their mother. The whole family is so fucked up ;_;
It's as if they just dig into trouble even more whenever they argue.
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