You find a piece of Viking fiction that looks quite good. It's got shieldmaidens. It's got magicians.
Then you discover that the magician are all male - not a völva, not a spækona, not a wife doing simple protection spells with a spindle. And the male magicians and seers aren't even a tiny bit effemminate or even just rumored to be gay. Also, no
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Also they have David Tennant and John Barrowman, which just adds to their glory. <3
Ah, I should have expected it was the Welsh! XD I mean, people going around telling each other stuff like "whyllwlylwlyw" and understanding it ... there's just something not quite right but seriously crazy awesome about them.
I'd be careful in labelling all of them Brits - I'd at least consider the English separatly, first. XD
I'm not surprised because you've never been there ... but I am because you remember that thing in Horace! ** He did write a poem about Fons Bandusiae, which some people claim actually was in Banzi - the only famous thing about it! XD ( ... )
I've been to London only once and I managed to go see both Chicago and The Lion King (which I highly recommend, btw!) and it was so great an experience that since that holiday I've wanted to go back and spend the entire time frolicking in theatres! Musicals and prose both, actually: one of my dreams is to go to The Globe, you know... *w*
I probably will, I've been thinking about bits & pieces of dialogue between those two all day long! XD
Come on, I'm sure he can still be adorable - at least when he sleeps. XD
The Lion King! ** That's one I've always wanted to see, together iwth Avenue Q and Camelot. Oh, and Spamalot! XD
I've never been to London, though hopefully next year's school trip will fix that - if we manage not to fuck everthing up, we already had a bit of drama with school trips this year.
Going to see The Globe is a great dream, and one I share wholeheartedly.:3
Let me know if you do! *-*
Spamalot? Never heard of it, but it sounds fun. Makes me think of Monty Python! XD
You're going to love London, it's a magnificent city. AND it's got more theatre than you can possibly want, so for me it's the best! XD
I've once seen Shakespeare's The Tempest in The Globe replica that's built inside Villa Borghese, in Rome, but to be in the original? I know I'll probably have a heart attack, when I finally manage to go, but it'll be well worth it!
I certainly will. :3 Oh, by the way, that cat-nurturing-Crimilde idea is glad to be put to good use. <3
Have a few songs! :)
Yeah, I know I'm gonna love it. *w* And the more theatre,the merrier! <3
Wow, that sounds amazing! *-*
YAY! <3 I'm glad, and I'm meditating on making the cat scratch Siegfrid, if I can find a nice place to put that scene. XD
And just to add to the general levity, watch this. I'm currently scouting for prompts (SPOILERS!) and this has been my soundtrack for the last couple of hours. XD
Well said, darling! You got a BIG theatre lover, here, you know... *w*
OH PLEASE DO IT! If Siegfried gets scratched by a fluffy lovely cat (or more than one?) I'm going to be the happiest girl in the world! XD
May I ask what kind of prompts? I'm curious! Also, this song suggests GO crack to me ... XD
Same here. <3 BTW, a couple of days ago I got to watch the Cavalleria Rusticana for the first time. Should have been in the open, but it was too windy and cold so in the end (meaning, after making everybody almost freeze to death, possibly the reason I was feverish a few days ago) they decided to play inside the theatre. Still great music and costumes and everything, though. And they actually gave us almonds and wine. *w*
Well, cats are supposed to be good at detecting supernatural stuff, so I guess they should also be able to recognize a Bringer of Sfiga like Siegfried ... XD
I think it would go kinda like this.
Weeeeeeeeell... *big explanation coming right up*
Together with s0emme0s I'm the admin of this happy little community (yes, I guess this is technically spam, and yes, we did a norse mithology themed thing, last year, and if I'd known you back then you sure would have been the very first one to know!). It's called 24 hours of fun, and basically we choose 24 prompts and we get 'em out one at a time, every hour for 24 hours straight: the challenge is to write something (or create whatever kind of fanwork, really) about all 24 of them in that short amount of time, even if we always prolong the event of one or even two days because we're less cruel than we think we are. ;P So far we've organized it just a handful of times, 'cause it's a lot of work and we're lazy, but it's fun and - big announcement plus VERY big spoiler, since we haven't told anyone yet - we're cooking up the next one right ( ... )
You know, I think I've actually come across the Norse Mythology thing ... after it had already been closed for a while, of course! XD Well, that's just my usual luck. Still, I did get to read some lovely things ...
I was actually tempted to join. It sounds really fun, and maybe it could help me with my worst bouts of writer's block. XD
Yup. ^^ It was great. *w*
I love both, to tell the truth. Every year, my school organizes subscriptions to the local theatres so all students interested can go see four-five plays: I remember Aristophanes, Molière, Goldoni, Plautus, even Shakespeare a couple of times. Of course, I subscribe every year. <3
But opera ... it does have a special, different kind of charm, doesn't it? It seems more solemn, in a way. And then there are all the catchy songs that get stuck in your head forever. XD
I'm pretty sure the cat would view himself as the hero, in this case! XD
That's another thing we have in common, then. <3 My mum brought me to the opera house to see both symphony concerts and operas since I was very little, and I've always loved it. Same with musicals (and rock music, too, but that's another story). Then I got into prose theatre, not so many years ago, and I fell in love with that too. Basically, I'm screwed. Royally. But it's a good kind of screwed, isn't it? XD
Oh, the cat would definitely see himself as the hero. I'm not so sure he would be wrong, either! ;P
Symphony concerts are really great too, and your mum sounds awesome. *w* You know, I got into prose theatre quite a bit later than opera, too. My mum always blames my love of opera on genetics: something about a granduncle on her side of the family who went to Argentina, became quite rich and then spent all his money at the opera house and the theatre (and on flirty ballerinas) before coming back to Italy. XD
Royally screwed is the best brand of screwed. I would know, I'm royally screwed too! ;)
Poor kitty, he understands everything before everybody else but nobody listens to him ...
BTW, sorry for the spam, but I wrote a little Norse Mythology thingy. Not the Thor/Loki one, but I'm working on that too. Just letting you know. :)
You know, I've always thought my granduncle's story would be great story material, too. ;) Actually, it starts with him as a naive, hopeful young man going to Argentina to work in his uncle's shop. He had the best intentions: working hard, saving up for when he'd come back to his family in Italy, even marrying his uncle's daughter to please him even if he didn't like her that way. Then, one day his uncle didn't have enough money on himself to give the charge to a rich client who used to go around with too much money in his pocket - so my granduncle just gave him all the money he had been saving, fully expecting his uncle to give it back soon. Of course, that never happened. So my granduncle began saving up again, then more or less told uncle and cousin to screw themselves, and then started spending all his ( ... )
Yeah, I studied oboe for five years, give or take. I loved it, but, you know, I decided to stop before I ended up hating it and here I am. Still got the instrument, though, so maybe one day I'll pick it up again... Never say never, right? ;)
I said it once and I say with even more certainty now: your uncle's story should become a book. Or a movie. It's great! I mean, it seems taken out of a book as it is, I can't imagine what it'd be like if someone with a good penchant for writing put it down in black and white. *_* He must have been a great guy. ^^
Cats are awesome. I love dogs too, yeah, but what can I say? Little furry sadistic bastards appeal to me the most. XD
Oboe? I've never met anyone who played that. :) My sister used to play the French horn, but now she plays the trumpet.
Yeah, my mom always made him sound like a really charming guy. ;) Who knows, perhaps one day I'll manage to gather up enough informations to wrtie something about him ...
I like dogs when they aren't the small&noisy kind, I had some bad experiences with them. XD On the other end, I like beagles, they look cute. Also Welsh corgies - they look like sausages and this amuses me to end. XD
If you ever do, please-please-please let me know right away! I'll be your writing-cheerleader! *_*
We agree on that too: very small dogs are in fact annoying, but there's nothing more funny-looking than a Corgi and I love their cute stupid snout. XD I'm a fan of big dogs, anyway: I've grown up with German Shepherds and my secret wish as a kid was to have a Newfoundland (I wrote Terranova, then I found out that in English it's called like that and it's kind of unsettling. XD), so I can't really stand small dogs... ^^
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