Fic: "Orange You Sorry You Didn't Read The Label More Closely?" (1/1) (Ten/Donna, Doctor Who)

Feb 22, 2011 18:29

Title: "Orange You Sorry You Didn't Read The Label More Closely?" (1/1)
Author: ageless_aislynn
Characters/fandom: Ten/Donna, Doctor Who
Summary: For the Timestamp meme, eljay_earthgirl asked to see Donna's revenge on the Doctor after the end of "Shampo."
Rating: PG
Length: 472
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine or you can bet there would've been happy endings for everybody!
A/N: Sincerest apologies, eljay_earthgirl, on taking such a long time to do this one for you. My muses have apparently been on a realllly extended vacation. *mega-blush* ;) Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, despite this long delay! ;)


The Doctor burst into Donna's bedroom and ran straight into her bathroom. Then he reversed direction and returned to where she was standing by the door with her robe haphazardly clutched around her.

"Sorry about that," he said, hitching his thumb over his shoulder. "That sounded more like a shout of 'something's pulling me down the drain again' rather than 'I'm standing right here in my robe.'"

"Well, we ought to have a 'the Doctor's been mucking around in my things again' shout," she said archly. "Did I not tell you to stay out of my shower?"

"Um, maybe?" he temporized. As she started to angrily respond, he quickly went on, "I told you, even the TARDIS requires a bit of maintenance on occasion. But I made sure that I didn't leave the shampo behind this time!"

"Yes, I noticed that. Do you see that my hair is no longer blue?"

"There's actually still a noticeable tint of-" he cut off at her thunderous glare. "Nope. Not blue at all."

"Do you, pray tell, notice anything else about me right now?" she asked. But as he opened his mouth, she erupted, "I'm orange from head to toe, you prawn!"

Donna, who was indeed a bright russet color from her hairline down to her toes poking out from under the hem of her pink robe, threw a slim bottle to him.

"Oh, moisturyzer!" he exclaimed happily. "I must've left that behind while I was adjusting the shelves that hold your personal grooming products-oh."

His eyes went wide. "Donna, you didn't-? Did you? No, you couldn't have but… You did? Didn't you notice it was spelled with a 'y' instead of an- But wait! Moisturyzer wouldn't stain your skin orange!"

Her furious expression abruptly dissolved into a self-satisfied grin. "Maybe not," she said with a wink. "But that horrid wash-off bronzing gel stuff certainly does! I thought that would teach you a lesson for leaving your junk in my bathroom again!"

She brushed past him. "All right, out of my way, sunshine. I'm going to go wash this off and then I think I deserve another TARDIS driving lesson."

"After the last time?" he said incredulously.

She paused, twisting to waggle an orange finger at him. "You said yourself that that wasn't my fault. Plus, you promised that smudge in the 1500's would clear up on its own."

"All right," he said grudgingly. "We can talk about another lesson later."

"No, we'll have that lesson when I no longer look like I just escaped a fruit bowl," she said firmly, then disappeared into the bathroom.

As the water in the shower came on, the Doctor suddenly straightened. "Donna, that 'bronzing gel stuff' wasn't spelled with two z's, was it?" he asked just as she loudly squawked in indignation.


fic: doctor who, fic rated: pg

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