I wrote a blog post!

Nov 24, 2021 17:35

Quick update because occasionally I think I am pretty darned funny. I am proud of this post. https://fitisafeministissue.com/2021/11/24/donating-my-vagina-to-science-the-dubious-science-of-winter-vagina/

health, feminism

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Comments 13

egg_shell November 25 2021, 01:22:42 UTC
Excellent photo to go with the article. Looks very true. :-) I know I have to lower myself into cold water very carefully at that stage.


siglinde99 November 25 2021, 12:27:08 UTC
It doesn’t bother me nearly as much as getting my belly and lower back in, but that’s not nearly as funny for the purposes of the blog.


amethyst_witch November 25 2021, 10:28:23 UTC
Omg LOL. I love that you wrote this--I saw the same article and was one of the FFS!!! ers. xD When I started reading it I was terrified it was going to end in some stupid ad for some kind of 'chapstick' that we won't go into detail about!!

It's great! I agree perfect photo to go with it. :)


siglinde99 November 25 2021, 12:24:20 UTC
You mean VulvaStick? It has been suggested as a new product line (not by me - I wish I was that clever).


Oh no it's real amethyst_witch November 29 2021, 16:05:05 UTC
Oh god I'm gagging here lolol


medievalrosalie November 25 2021, 11:04:05 UTC
Well, clearly I'm not giving up long, hot baths either. Not that I have a need to wick excess moisture away any time of the year, but those wooly undies seem like they'd be fantastic for those cold, winter events. It's a great article!


siglinde99 November 25 2021, 12:34:33 UTC
I wouldn’t give up the hot baths either. I think the undies could be great for winter sports; I have never been to a winter event where I have cold enough to need wool undies. I am usually too hot! And thanks.


medievalrosalie November 30 2021, 00:57:56 UTC
All of our events here are in Winter, as Summer is just too hot (usually). In a tent in a field in the wind at 6 degrees is chilly at night!


siglinde99 November 30 2021, 13:10:30 UTC
We have different definitions of cold and how our events adapt. 6C at night is a pleasant early fall camping event. Winter can be -30 or even colder sometimes, so events are held indoors. I was recently at an event where there was a hope we could be outside, but it turned out to be near freezing, rainy and windy. I had dressed to be outside and foolishly left a linen overdress at home in case that didn’t work out. Most people ended up staying inside except to eat, and I nearly roasted in my heavy wool.


carriea31 November 25 2021, 12:15:35 UTC

Hahaha oh my goodness


spikesgirl58 November 25 2021, 14:27:41 UTC
That was freaking brilliant!


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