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Comments 9

amethyst_witch October 14 2018, 18:35:33 UTC
Aww how nice! Good luck to your daughter :)

Love the image.


siglinde99 October 14 2018, 22:20:23 UTC
Their team lost, and they’re kind of mad because they came really close. If they had played as hard in the first half as they did in the second, they might have been able to pull it off. Oh well - they learned something.


amethyst_witch October 14 2018, 23:18:51 UTC
Aw crap. They'll get 'em next time!


siglinde99 October 14 2018, 23:49:01 UTC
Well, someone had to win and the other team had a couple of amazing players. She has learned a lot of new skills and I enjoyed watching the game (way more impressive than her youth league team, or even the adult teams she plays with now - everyone’s throwing and catching skills put every game we ever played at the beach to shame).


coolbandanas October 14 2018, 22:34:31 UTC
I saw a similar quote ages ago that I really enjoyed too:

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

I think it's very good advice.


siglinde99 October 14 2018, 22:46:08 UTC
I like that one too.


beauty_forashes October 14 2018, 23:00:39 UTC
I love that message! :)


siglinde99 October 14 2018, 23:46:34 UTC


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