House, recipe challenge and book challenge

Aug 05, 2018 18:52

The plumber wasn’t too horribly expensive, thank goodness. The furnace guy will be here Tuesday. The call itself won’t be horrible but the guy hasn’t told me what it will cost to repair or replace the furnace. Miraculously, I am surviving the heat. Every fan in the house is running, and I manage to get cooler air in at night, so it’s not awful ( Read more... )

recipes, house

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Comments 7

carriea31 August 6 2018, 02:12:21 UTC

The themes for your books are funny.  I wonder who came up with the yellow cover idea! Very creative. 


siglinde99 August 7 2018, 00:17:11 UTC
No idea. I got the list from a friend. They are silly but it is a different way to pick books, at least.


beauty_forashes August 6 2018, 04:06:40 UTC
I like the carrot top recipes. I usually throw them away and feel bad, knowing I could use them for something. And why didn't I ever think to use them with the carrots when I juice vegetables, the way I do beet greens? Duh! *smacks forehead*


siglinde99 August 7 2018, 00:18:02 UTC
Don’t feel bad - I only started using them recently, and a friend who is a farm girl didn’t believe they were edible until she looked it up for herself.


fauxklore August 7 2018, 03:26:27 UTC
I would love to see the complete book challenge list.


sayuri2023 August 7 2018, 21:44:35 UTC
I Would love to take part in the book challenge. Is it a LJ group I can join?


fauxklore August 8 2018, 02:48:10 UTC
I would love to see the complete book challenge list.


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