It's the little things that warm your heart

Feb 14, 2017 18:13

I'm sending out virtual valentines to two people I have never met today.

The first goes to someone at The Well. It's a local shelter for homeless women. spikesgirl58 suggested I make a donation to a charity following an incident a couple of weeks ago. I did, and got back a lovely card with a hand-written note thanking me for my donation and assuring me that ( Read more... )

reflections, inspiration

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Comments 11

opakele February 15 2017, 03:35:46 UTC
I lurve that hat. I'm so glad you found your tassel!

Is it 100% wool? Soak the tassel in hot water and spread it out to dry. It should calm down the fuzziness.


siglinde99 February 21 2017, 01:21:10 UTC
I'm not sure that it's 100% wool, but I did soak it and straighten out the yarn. It came out almost as good as new. I am more convinced than ever that it actually went through a snowblower, but no-one else seems to have noticed that the yarn on that tassel looks a little chewed.


carriea31 February 15 2017, 04:22:57 UTC

Aw, how nice!   I'm glad the tassle turned up!


siglinde99 February 21 2017, 01:21:49 UTC
Me too! And now it has a story.


spikesgirl58 February 15 2017, 12:19:11 UTC
Aw, you are very welcome for the first. I'm glad they acknowledged you with a note. It doesn't take much effort to say thank you, but it means a lot to the donor.

I just love the second story! Karma is a lovely thing! You were repaid for your kindnesses.



siglinde99 February 21 2017, 01:18:51 UTC
It was totally unexpected. I would have been very content with the usual email acknowledgement. Handwritten notes are such a novelty these days.


spikesgirl58 February 21 2017, 12:51:55 UTC
They truly are and I try to make sure I write at least one a week. :D


yshaloo February 15 2017, 15:22:48 UTC
I once lost my favorite little crocheted hat on the way into work. It was a yucky rainy/snowy day, so I figured it was ruined if it wasn't lost forever. Someone found it and hung it from the handrail at the garage! I was so happy to see it! There are some good people out there :)


siglinde99 February 21 2017, 01:16:48 UTC
There are indeed.


vesta_venus February 17 2017, 04:33:23 UTC
That tassel story is cute


siglinde99 February 21 2017, 01:16:28 UTC
The tassel is all tidied and firmly reattached, but still a little worse for wear. It makes a good story, though.


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