Skating Adventures

Jan 08, 2017 22:27

I went out withurban_squrrl, Aelfwyn, and Daffyd to a new skating place just north of Gatineau Park today. It was amazing! There was a nice big cabin for changing into skates, and 3 km of trails through the woods, in one big loop or three smaller loops. I ended up skating about 10 km. The weather was absolutely perfect and the trees were gorgeous. There were ( Read more... )

skating, friendship

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Comments 13

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siglinde99 January 9 2017, 13:22:45 UTC
I tripped over one rough spot and had to be helped up. Not because I was injured, but because I have gotten old and fat (and very, very stiff and un-coordinated).


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siglinde99 January 11 2017, 04:13:47 UTC
Those unexpected falls are the worst! At least when I fall skating it is usually a face forward fall that I can stop with my hands. And I half-way expect it because the ice is rough and I'm not a great skater.


kristy January 9 2017, 04:15:27 UTC

Love the snow & ice skating looks fun! :)


siglinde99 January 9 2017, 13:21:34 UTC
It was absolutely perfect. I hadn't been skating for several years but eventually remembered how again.


spikesgirl58 January 9 2017, 13:11:31 UTC
*The weather was absolutely perfect*

You say this and all I see is snow, cold, icy snow... Where are the palm trees and the trade winds?

It does look like you all have a blast! I'm glad as you really deserve a day of fun after all that you do!


siglinde99 January 9 2017, 13:20:54 UTC
See our bare hands and faces? We were actually getting too warm. Once I remembered how to skate and got my heart rate up, I was almost ready to take off my coat (I did unzip it).

Besides, cold is relative. It's -24C today, (-11F). I'll be digging out the big boots and coat for sure.


spikesgirl58 January 9 2017, 17:19:31 UTC
Wow, that never happened with me! it's good that I ended up some place with no snow. I have zero tolerance for it.

Oh, dear goddess. I'm whining because it's only 56 F here.


siglinde99 January 9 2017, 23:10:39 UTC
I, on the other hand, hate humidity. You should hear me whine when I'm hot and sticky! No, on second thought, that amount of whining should not be shared...


carriea31 January 9 2017, 13:34:07 UTC

That looks like so much fun!!


siglinde99 January 9 2017, 23:11:26 UTC
It was! I haven't had that much skating since my son was little and we would go on the Canal.


carriea31 January 11 2017, 03:19:27 UTC
I have never been ice skating except for at an indoor rink. How do you know when the ice is thick enough to go on the Canal?


siglinde99 January 11 2017, 04:09:39 UTC
It's managed by professionals. It isn't open for skating until the ice is at least 30 cm thick (about a foot). It gets cleaned and watered with big sweepers etc., so it is very safe for large crowds. When I was a kid, I learned that 4 inches was safe, but that wouldn't be enough for the thousands who go skating on a good day.


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