
Nov 25, 2016 23:18

I went to work I late and left early. I started knitting a hat for my son (or my daughter, if she gives my son's hat back to him). I sewed a little linen bag to hold sausages and made a drawstring for it - I'm quite pleased with the pattern of the braid in thee drawstring. I hemmed my friend's dress. The crafting is balm for my soul ( Read more... )

sca, a&s, friendship

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Comments 11

spikesgirl58 November 26 2016, 13:07:05 UTC
It sounds like you are having the perfect weekend! :D


siglinde99 November 28 2016, 02:34:53 UTC
It was exhausting, but worth it.


spikesgirl58 November 28 2016, 12:35:41 UTC
Isn't that often the case? :D


siglinde99 November 28 2016, 12:54:35 UTC
Far more often than it used to be when I was younger. I miss being able to bounce back.


littlesable46 November 26 2016, 13:24:04 UTC

Nice!   I have friends that are crafter and they will agree how good it is for the soul!   I think that's why coloring books for adults are so popular now.   For me it's cooking which I guess is another form of crafting.


siglinde99 November 28 2016, 02:36:21 UTC
Cooking is the part that is more introverted - the crafting gets me out and being a little more social. Mind you, I gave someone some of my home-made cold-smoked sausages Saturday, so that managed to combine both.


davesmusictank November 26 2016, 17:59:54 UTC
Sounds like a great weekend.


siglinde99 November 28 2016, 02:36:53 UTC
Yep - couldn't do it often, but it was a nice change.


carriea31 November 27 2016, 05:11:46 UTC

Sounds fun :)


siglinde99 November 28 2016, 02:36:37 UTC
It was nice, though very tiring.


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