Me-Made May Day 7: Horn Sausage Stuffer

May 07, 2015 14:53

This isn't exactly sewing, but it is something I made and will be using next week. It is a sausage stuffer (basically a very primitive funnel made of cow's horn). I'm researching medieval sausages, and this is one of the tools I have been able to document. You can read about my sausage research here:

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monthly challenges, sca, a&s, cooking

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Comments 2

utsi May 18 2015, 18:48:24 UTC
saw your blog post on using it :) congrats! how did you find cleaning the inside though? and how smooth did you end up managing to get it? I'd thought there might be merit in a wax coating on the inside?



siglinde99 May 18 2015, 21:46:54 UTC
The inside was really smooth already, once it was thoroughly washed. I don't think it's worth putting a wax coating in, since I wash it with hot water and soap after each use. There is only the tiniest spot where I can't stick my finger completely through, so it's really easy to clean.


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