Merovingian and Gallo-Roman geekery accomplished!

Jan 30, 2013 10:30

Two of the pieces I most wanted to see are in Cologne until April, but I know how to get to the Museum for next time. It took over an hour each way (three trains and cost the equivalent of four cooked farm-fresh chickens), and the museum had only three rooms, but it was totally worth it. For those who have a chance to visit Chelles, here iw what ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

pink_lady2 January 30 2013, 21:51:51 UTC
Glad you made it to the Museum. Looking forward to seeing your pics and books.


shyska January 31 2013, 03:33:45 UTC
Squeeee!!! How exciting to read about the things you are seeing, finding discovering, yay! :D

I was looking at Bronze Age garb research links earlier today; how delightfully synchronistic.

Continue to have an amazing time, please. :)

New books, woot!

Questions answered... Mysteries unfolding... Fantastic.


bend_gules January 31 2013, 10:05:08 UTC
Please post them somewhere where non-Facebookers can see them!

Which books??


siglinde99 February 1 2013, 22:15:38 UTC
Pictures will go up on my blog, and I can post a note here to let you know when they are up. There is a book about the relics of Chelles, one about the textiles, one about the archaeology in Chelles, and one that is a more general introduction to the exhibits. Each has different stuff worth having. I already had the textiles book in photocopy (and I think the relic book) but I prefer to buy copies when I can.


suelet January 31 2013, 14:08:36 UTC
Can we sit and geek at an event...I've always been curious about the mantle!
How very exciting!


siglinde99 February 1 2013, 22:12:15 UTC
We could try being at the same event at the same time, and not having any other tasks such as cooking, teaching, or fixing arrows :) I think I will be able to make it to Practicum - failing that, I'll need to look at a calendar.


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