
Jul 22, 2008 21:13

[ Filter: Private | Language: Mandarin ]

I feel like I've lost my sense of humor.

[ Filter: Berlin Black Order | Language: English, German ]

Just checking up on you guys, if that's okay. How have all of you been doing?

tei lai huang, faramond den adelle, sirideán callahan

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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed July 23 2008, 02:33:51 UTC
I have been better, but it's nothing worth complaining about. How have you been?


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed July 23 2008, 04:45:31 UTC
Mm, that's true. But that's only if she's still there or not. Hmm... How can we go about this.

[Filter: Dragomir]
Ah, I thank you for bringing this up to me before saying anything to anyone else. But that is a very good idea. As much as I would like to keep him under mine and your supervision, keeping him around the house may not be such a good idea. Especially considering...they may use Emilie to tell them where he is.[gone]

Also, Acel will get to know the rest of the Order this way as well. It...won't be so scary to him, if he knows that there are so many people that want to keep him safe.

But it is a very good idea. You've got my approval of it.


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[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed July 23 2008, 05:32:38 UTC
Ah? I could do something like that.. Isn't there a term for doing something like that?[gone]

[Filter: Dragomir]
He really has been through enough. I don't wish being a Sigil on anyone. Especially when it is a child and when the opposite Order seems not to care about that fact.

...if you want, I could announce it and mention that it was your idea?


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[Filter: Dragomir] reflexed July 23 2008, 18:54:23 UTC
All right. I was thinking of going to see how he was doing, anyway.

Thank you.[gone] Thank you.


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[Filter: Private | Language: Dutch] reflexed July 23 2008, 19:52:03 UTC

...I should have been expecting that.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 03:08:12 UTC
Of course! Chin up, Adelle. Remember what I said: it all feels shitty, but it'll be better before you know it.

We just have to hold out a little longer.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed July 23 2008, 03:17:24 UTC
Yeah. It will be. We will all get through this and everything will get better.. That's right.

Mm. Just a little longer.

I am so grateful to have all of you as my team. What would I do without any of you?[gone]


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 03:28:55 UTC
Yeah, exactly. That's the kind of thinking we have to keep up.

Glad to see a smile, makes me feel good about my pep talk skills.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed July 23 2008, 03:58:21 UTC
Yes. You're right.

And you have amazing pep talk skills, Huang.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 04:42:31 UTC
I'm just using what little optimism I have left to the max.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] reflexed July 23 2008, 04:53:10 UTC
Ah. Just... Don't burn yourself out or anything.


[Filter: Berlin Black Order] jumpstarted July 23 2008, 05:05:19 UTC
Don't worry about me, I'll be okay.


[Filter: Private | Language: Dutch] reflexed July 23 2008, 05:11:09 UTC
I always worry about you.


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