
May 13, 2008 19:23

[Private, English]

Of course, something always has to crop up right at the last second. At least he's all right.

[Filter: Lisbon Black Order, English]Forgive me for not replying earlier, there was a bit of a family emergency that suddenly came up. I see that we have a few new faces! This is good news indeed~ For those who don't know me, I'm ( Read more... )

bridget reid, charre radan, franz pereira, arnaud yoshizuki, blakelyn thomas

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Comments 31

[Lisbon Black Order/English] reasonability May 14 2008, 01:24:00 UTC
This week, if I recall correctly, and I usually do.
Blake Thomas is it? Lovely to meet you Blake. I'm Charre Radan.


[Lisbon Black Order/English] lightking May 14 2008, 01:31:15 UTC
Would there be a day, or have we yet to decide that?

Lovely to meet you as well, dear Charre! I look forward to working with you~


[Lisbon Black Order/English] reasonability May 14 2008, 01:33:36 UTC
If it's been decided I haven't been informed just yet and that would be the most terrible of tragedies.

Of course, dear. I'd certainly prefer if our dealings would have more to do with the business of drinks and fine art and less with death and war, but I'll take what I can get~


[Lisbon Black Order/English] lightking May 14 2008, 01:39:56 UTC
Indeed it would be. How could anyone keep a lovely lady such as yourself out of the loop?

Drinks and fine art would be far preferable to death and war, I agree. It's a pity that violence would take precedence over peace, but we must do what we must.


[Lisbon Black Order/English] thecharge May 14 2008, 01:34:41 UTC
Nice to meet you Blake~ I'm Franz~

Everything okay now~?


[Lisbon Black Order/English] lightking May 14 2008, 01:43:02 UTC
It's a pleasure, Franz~ You wouldn't happen to be German, would you? I only ask because of the name. I didn't want to assume anything.

Yes, everything's fantastic~ There was just a bit of a hiccup, nothing major.


[Lisbon Black Order/English] thecharge May 14 2008, 01:49:56 UTC
It's okay~ yeah! Half-German and Portuguese.

Good to hear~ a lot's been happening lately. We in the Black Order here have to shape up.


[Lisbon Black Order/English] lightking May 14 2008, 01:56:26 UTC
Really? How facinating! I would have never guessed the half-Portuguese.

I know. It's a sad state of affairs. It's good to see reinforcements have arrived, though~


[Lisbon Black Order | English] championed May 14 2008, 02:43:01 UTC
Not a problem! You've returned just in time.

Anyway, I'm Bridget, the new General. Yes, we are going to have a meeting soon. I'm currently working out the location of our new headquarters. You'll all be told the details in a couple of days, at the most.


[Lisbon Black Order | English] lightking May 14 2008, 02:54:38 UTC
Fantastic! Lovely to meet you, Bridget~ Sounds good to me! It was a shame to see the old one go, but I'm sure you'll pick a suitable place~


[Filter: Lisbon Black Order ; Language: English] elementalisticy May 14 2008, 03:31:07 UTC
No worry. Family come first, above all else~ Good just Just good to see well you are ♥

[Filter: Blake ; Language: Portuguese]
Not annoying at all~ If it's for you, I can free up my schedule whenever you want ♥


[Filter: Lisbon Black Order ; Language: English] lightking May 15 2008, 00:00:02 UTC
Thank you. Your English is getting very good, dear~

[Filter: Arnaud, Portuguese]

Would be beautiful, thank you~ Friday okay?


[Filter: Lisbon Black Order ; Language: English] elementalisticy May 15 2008, 19:16:05 UTC
Been practicing~ Thank you ♥ Most customers at work English speak.

[Filter: Blake ; Language: Portuguese]
You're welcome. And Friday would be just perfect!


[Filter: Lisbon Black Order ; Language: English] lightking May 15 2008, 19:48:09 UTC
That's good~ Oh! Work? Where do you work, if I might ask?

[Filter: Arnaud, Portuguese]

Excellent! Where meet?


[ Lisbon Black Order / English ] standoffstill May 14 2008, 06:42:39 UTC


[ Lisbon Black Order / English ] lightking May 15 2008, 00:00:31 UTC
Hello there~ Might I have the pleasure of your name?


[ Lisbon Black Order / English ] standoffstill May 15 2008, 03:15:13 UTC
Narcissa Burgos.


[ Lisbon Black Order / English ] lightking May 15 2008, 19:36:24 UTC
It's lovely to meet you, Narcissa~


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