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Comments 20

[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] bloodforged May 10 2008, 21:26:30 UTC
It would be unwise to seek out the Sigil if he is already in possession of the White Order. As I haven't seen the mark myself, I can't say when he's set to die, nor the manner in which he's supposed to be killed.

It is also likely that the White Order has found a new General to replace Madeleine Montagné, as we now have replacements for our own fallen Knights.

If worse comes to worse, we will set out to destroy the Gate as soon as possible. A meeting next week is also in order.

[Filter: Surrender]

I've recovered well.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] elatedly May 10 2008, 21:39:37 UTC
Good news, as always.[gone]
Mm. Very likely.

Do we know how heavily they have the gate guarded?

[Filter: Ophelia]
I'm glad.

...I don't completely understand the workings of the Order yet, but am I correct in my belief that a neutral is able to join?


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] bloodforged May 10 2008, 21:49:55 UTC
The Champs-Elysees, by default, is well-patrolled, but the White Order may also have tightened security after their Headquarters were destroyed - and because a Sigil has awoken.

[Filter: Surrender]

Yes, you are.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] elatedly May 10 2008, 22:35:19 UTC
A distraction, then? Kunane would easily be able to crush it if the man who is able to bind him was distracted. I'll bring it up at the meeting, I guess. This probably isn't the place.[gone]
Hm. I see.

[Filter: Ophelia]
I believe my sister, Natalia may approach me about joining in the very near future.
She was very close with Michel.
She's young and may appear insane to most but her abilities... she would be an asset, I believe.
I thought it best to bring it up to you.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] lovesoleisured May 10 2008, 22:02:18 UTC
I know I've seen the one named Van before. I think his mother watches Tyra? Not that I'd be surprised... I mean even Monica tunes in every now and then.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] lovesoleisured May 10 2008, 22:02:34 UTC
...off topic, sorry about that.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] bloodforged May 10 2008, 22:10:44 UTC
Howard Mason, correct? List your abilities.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] lovesoleisured May 10 2008, 22:20:42 UTC
Yep. You must be Miss Ophelia.

My right arm can be transmuted into a sharp blade but overdoing it can cause exhaustion. Even though I can move at a quick speed I can't go long distances.


[ Filter: Paris Black Order / Language: English + French ] bloodforged May 10 2008, 22:25:17 UTC
Yes, I am.

A useful ability. We'll schedule a meeting at Headquarters sometime this week, and evaluate how people's powers work together, as we've two new Knights.


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