.september 19, 2011, 17.38. .trying to get back in the habit.

Sep 19, 2011 17:38

So, about two weeks ago, in my inbox, the entirety of Stop and Go appeared. This piece of writing I, y'know, lost entirely when I was 22 ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

minitsu September 20 2011, 07:08:32 UTC
Ohhh, that's really good to hear you got Stop and Go back. At least that's one bright thing to focus on.

Were you planning to travel to China?

Is he trying to get a job? Are you still working at Starbucks?

I'm boring, too!! I keep telling myself each week that I won't wait until Sunday night to write up lab report and finish biochem hw, but I've yet to succeed...

I'm raising chickens for eggs and also the experience. It's pretty fun. Two 3-mo old ferals and three 6-week old RIRs. I still want a goat but that'll be a long time in coming. :


sifrid October 4 2011, 02:36:14 UTC
:D indeed Ms. Mini!

Yes! I've been learning Chinese for a year now, and I already have my ticket.

I am still working at Starbucks despite all my best efforts to the contrary. He's got one, but it's way too little.

Oh my goodness, Mini, you are a farmer?!


minitsu October 4 2011, 04:10:43 UTC
I hope the visa thing smooths out then. That's pretty cool, though, Chinese?! All those characters would make me cry.

:(a ... Well no not a farmer!! But we live in an agri crossed zone and we have tons of space, so might as well. Goats are super cute, I want two pygmys mostly to keep the weeds under control, and small so that they have less firepower to try and escape (I hear goats are notorious escape artists.) My mom wanted them for milk but when we found out that they need to give birth for there to be milk (duh) we kinda side-eyed the idea.


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