I've picked out a couple that were on our digital, but my dad takes the majority of pictures and he will insist on using his ole' faithful because it still works. In a cosmetic sense, I agree with him. He looks better with it than the tiny digital that we have. Who in our family picked that one, I have no idea. It wasn't me, and I doubt it was him
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Comments 12
What are the temperatures like this time of the year? It looks nice and sunny.
Plus, both sister and I have inherited our father's skin. He's a natural redhead. Well, red turning white. And sure enough, when we took a 3 hour walk towards a glacier, I was sunburned. Sunburned in Iceland, the irony.
*grin* The general expectation people have of everyone flying off to the tropics every chance they get is producing some pretty funny reactions, though - memorable was the one from the driver of our SchipholTaxi: "So where are you folks going?" "Iceland!" (This said when nearly bobbing in our seats - as bouncy as is possible in a car.) "Ice... wha... huh... gah? Okay, let's try again. So where are you folks going?" "Iceland!" "Sounds great!"
Temps were ideal yes. It did rain though.
I'm a waterfall freak, so those are my favourites, I think. *adds Iceland to list of "places to see"*
I might go whale watching when I'm in Warrnambool. It's calving season at the moment.
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