PB Fic: United we stand

Aug 27, 2008 23:08

Title: United we stand
Author: sierra_foxx
Rating: G
Category Drabble (100 words), Gen, set in Season 4
Characters: Lincoln POV
Summary: Lincoln's thoughts on his life, early Season 4.
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me; I just like playing with them for my own entertainment.
Author's Note: This is a late response to the challenge at pbhiatus_fic, a Snapshot Drabble set during 4.01. It was inspired by a spoiler I read, and my reaction to it - so strict spoilerphobes should probably bypass this. Still feeling a little rusty in the writing dept, but decided to post it anyway. Lived dangerously without the safety net of a beta, so all mistakes are mine. *g*

~ * ~

He lets it happen, thinking it’s what he wants, but within days he discovers it isn’t.

He is too raw, too damaged; too not-even-sure-what to play happy families. Because that’s what this is, he finally realises; a game of make-believe he has no chance of winning.

She’s sweet and gentle yet not the balm his wounded spirit forever yearns for, still shrouded in thick swathes of glossy black silk.

He cares but it’s not love; she wants him to stay, but he knows he can’t.

Michael’s call defines the reason he must go.

It’s time… to stand up and fight.

~ * ~

lincoln, pb fic

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