Art: artpaperscissor "Goodbye to all that" (Sam/Jess, G)

Sep 11, 2014 01:02

For sophiap's prompt Goodbye to all that at the artpaperscissor challenge.

I felt an inkling to do Jessica when I read the prompt and first had something more ethereal in mind.  But because I had little time to work on this today, I ended up with a minimal-ish style.  Sam ultimately became just as prominent as Jessica, because there's devastating loss of dreams on both sides.

I was ready to throw a fit at one point because this piece was going nowhere.  I actually had three different ideas, and I was working on (aka 'staring forlornly at') all three because I couldn't choose.  To cheer me up, my husband offered to draw something, and I thought I'd share his contribution because he's really proud of it:

Materials: cheap pen on post-it note

Can you guess who's who and what they're doing?  Answer:
[Spoiler (click to open)]Sam (left), Dean (right), The Helicopter

Boyyyyys *sigh* :)

pairing: sam/jess, art: challenges, fandom: spn, art: spn

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