Gut-sprung and graveled, spavined, out of whack

Feb 18, 2013 22:08

Inexplicably mopey. Well, perhaps not really inexplicably, but it's definitely no good reason. After yesterday's spring-like temperatures, it was chilly and snowed a little bit today, and we're possibly getting more snow this Wednesday - I'm praying for a snow day. Really, it's just one of those days when all you do is see yourself in the mirror ( Read more... )

tatteredcloakuponastick, whitenights, television

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Comments 4

dickgloucester February 19 2013, 12:02:18 UTC


dickgloucester February 19 2013, 12:03:59 UTC
By the way, I love your heading. Is it a quotation?


sienamystic February 20 2013, 00:35:31 UTC
Heh, yes, it's from an uber-self-pitying poem by Michelangelo. Third poem down on this page.


dickgloucester February 20 2013, 23:33:47 UTC
My word. That's what I call angst. I'll have to quote it at #1 when she's being particularly adolescent.


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