Something something numbers make post something

Apr 28, 2012 12:10

1. Aww, Korra. And I love Tenzin and his family more with every show ( Read more... )

oh well that's not so bad then, foolishness

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Comments 3

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sienamystic April 28 2012, 23:24:47 UTC
I could theoretically get by without one, but it would be difficult. Thankfully in a year the thing is paid off, which will be a nice bit of really needed relief.

We got a tiny, wonderful bit of Pema in this ep. :g:


anonymous April 30 2012, 11:43:30 UTC
I have a dr. appt. today too. Every time that happens, I think to myself, *Why* did I schedule an appt. on a Monday?

Hope you got that bike ride in.



sienamystic April 30 2012, 20:32:03 UTC
Didn't get the ride in, but ended up biking in today, in very nice weather. I keep saying I'm going to commute in on my bike more often because it's so easy, but I can't seem to make it a regular thing. I keep trying, though.


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