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Comments 5

st_aurafina July 21 2011, 10:16:54 UTC
Oh, wow, these are gorgeous! Bosch is very hard for me to take in - maybe he's better (for me, anyway) in these small doses?


sienamystic July 21 2011, 15:32:37 UTC
He can be a little overwhelming - some of his stuff is really crowded! And most of the things I've isolated in these icons are really tiny bits of the work, stuff that you would have to look really closely to notice among all the other stuff going on. I love it, though - this is the work that got me thinking about how much I enjoyed art and that maybe I would want to study it someday.


endlessrarities July 22 2011, 17:42:10 UTC
That's such a strange picture, but it's incredible in its detail! I saw it in Brugges, and it was even better in real life!

There was a fascinating television programme on Bosch a few months back...


sienamystic July 22 2011, 18:21:41 UTC
I would love to see it in person - it fascinated me when I first saw it in high school, and was probably a big part of my drifting into art history. I've been playing with a nice high-res copy of it and zooming into all the details, thus the icons.

The only Bosch I've seen in person is the one at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. - it's Death visiting a miser, and is deliciously creepy.


endlessrarities July 22 2011, 18:34:28 UTC
Eugh. I can imagine...


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