Vday: drabble: Gray Market (SGA)

Feb 05, 2006 07:57

Written for rageprufrock's 14 Valentines challenge. Please consider donating money and/or time to Vday.org or another women's charity, local or global. You know why.

Title: Gray Market
Author: siegeofangels
Fandom: SGA
Rated G, gen
Disclaimer: Stargate: Atlantis is the property of someone not me. No copyright infringement is intended.

"This is their first shipment of stuff from Earth in a year, and they each only get a cubic meter of shipping space every run, right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"So what does someone named Charles want with forty boxes of tampons?"



FROM: chartley@atlantis.int
SUBJECT: pillows, tampons, sweater, down throws, Oreos

For trade in Daedalus personal space allotment or barter (make offer). No digital media, thanks.

CUDDLEME PILLOWS, round yellow. 30,000 cc ea

TAMPAX, assorted. 100 cc ea or 3,000 cc/box

DOWN THROWS, 6x4'. 100,000 cc ea

1 ANGORA SWEATER, women's medium v-neck, white. 250,000 cc

OREO COOKIES. 20,000 cc/package


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