Post-channeling evaluation

May 01, 2012 09:00

Wow! Over 80 comments on this last one. I guess I'm becoming popular now -- this is well in line with the comment numbers I see on other divination and spiritual-work type posts, and maybe a bit more than on some.

This being a free service, gifted to the world, I don't expect hundreds in the way of donations, but some did come in! Paypal was difficult about one or two, but other than that, I did receive enough to help pay for a larger expense this time around, which is good news.

The Hero's Deck is apparently forming a sort of personality around it: forthright, active, and willing to give a clear answer when asked, but with a hint of Trickster here and there. Not every hero works in broad daylight, after all. I really ought to consider making copies to sell.

In fact, making copies of the Hero's Deck for everyone to share and work with might be exactly the thing I should do. I'll think about what I can write in the way of a booklet for it, and consider in what form to market the thing (and whether to seek a publisher; I know a few people I could ask about that).

Anyway, this spring session is officially closed, but if you'd like to ask Theresa something, she and I are available most of the time. Payment is negotiable, especially for longer sessions, but I prefer at least a workman's compensation of $10/hr.

Thank you all, and may your lives have happiness and peace always within reach.

hero's deck, channeling

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