Old Levee taught me to weep and moan (Chapter 2)

Jul 10, 2009 23:04

Author: Me
Rating: not too sure G I think
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: Basically came up with this idea before I saw the finale so it is an AU from 'When the Leeve breaks'.
After Dean makes the Ultimate Sacrfice to stop Lucifer, the true price of consequences of all the decisions that lead from that night still to be addressed.

Okay i admit it the summary still stucks big ones.

Thanks again to mayalaen for looking at the horrible grammar I done.

Also I hope rospberry is happy now that part 2 is up with this.

Sorry there isn't a fire and brimstone aspect to this chapter and very little Sam at this point.  Promise he will figure more in this as it goes on and to those who don't like the idea of Dean and Anna well basically, tough - it makes the tale make sense.

“Where are we?” Bobby asked as he and Castiel appeared in the ‘relatively’ tidy back yard, though it could use with someone definately mowing the lawn.

“Kansas,” Castiel simply said as Bobby moved cautiously towards the house, which looked like it needed more than a little work done to it.

“Is he here?” Bobby asked before remembering the form that Dean was in the last time he had seen him, brother in one hand and bloody sword in the other. “Isn’t that a little risky?”

“He is not as you remember him,” Castiel replied.

“What does that mean?” Bobby asked as he peered in one of the windows to see the appearance of a normal suburban kitchen though there were paint cans in the corner.

“He has changed.”

“What into something else? Tell me! It can’t be worse than the last time I saw him when he was a blazing light of the Lord,” Bobby retorted as he continued to look in the window.

“He had two requests,” Castiel tried to explain. “One was for Sam to live out his life as a human.”

“And the other?” Bobby asked anxiously turning his head to look as Castiel.

“It was in our Father’s power to grant, along with many others.”

“What is that suppose to mean?” Bobby asked confused.

“If you wait, you will see,” Castiel said as he motioned to window.


“Shit, I’m going to be late!” Dean explained as he came flying past the kitchen door in a pair of sweats.

“You were the one who forgot to set the alarm,” Anna said with a smile as she went into the kitchen.

“Pants!” Dean exclaimed as she seemed to start to make some coffee. “Where the hell did I put my pants?”

“Have you tried the closet?” she asked as he continued to search fruitlessly.

“Not those ones - the ones I had on last night, the ones I don’t need you to fix,” he explained as she got his lunch ready while pouring a cup of coffee.

“Why should I fix them?” she asked.

“Because you know I’ll make it worth your while,” he quickly replied.

“Try the back of the couch,” she said with a smile, trying not to laugh as he ran into the front room.

“I set the alarm,” he said as he strode into the kitchen, while fastening his belt. “I know I set that alarm.”

“Dean, you didn’t set the alarm,” Anna said, handing him a lunch bag while he grabbed the coffee cup.

“Why the hell did I do that?” Dean asked.

She smirked, “The same reason your pants were on the couch.”

Dean grinned. “Damn good reason. Think it will go down well with the chief?”

“Dean, go to work will you?” Anna replied with a shake of her head.

“Catch you later,” Dean said as he gave her a kiss.

“Sure, what else am I going to be doing?” Anna replied.

“Thought you and RJ had your day planned,” Dean asked.

“RJ?” Anna asked to which Dean shrugged. “Really?”

“That’s what he told me,” Dean said with a smile.

“You two had a long discussion about it.”

“Sure, we sat down, had a beer, and before you ask, you were asleep,” Dean replied. “Well, I had a beer, RJ not so much of a drinker, but what do you expect from a complete momma’s boy, but once he starts can’t shut him up.”

“RJ, seriously?”

He gave her another kiss before he left to go to work.

“Had a beer with RJ,” Anna said as she rubbed her forehead. “I’m living with a crazy person.”


“Anna?” Bobby asked as he watched the seen. “Angel Anna?”

“No, Anna. Anna Dante fiancée to Dean Campbell, fireman stationed at Firehouse 19 Wichita Kansas,” Castiel explained.

“You wiped his memory?” Bobby asked. “You fucked with his head again?”

“Yes and no,” Castiel replied. “Dean had only two requests. The first you know - his brother’s fate, the other was for Anna to be spared for her sentence as she joined the battle by our side. He did not request anything for himself.”

“So you made him become her warden? You raised him up to fight your war, then dumped him back on earth so he could deal with another one of your messes? To let her do what she wants with him?” Bobby asked before turning angrily to Castiel, “No, I’m not standing here and letting this happen. I watched one son of John Winchester fall under the spell of a supernatural bitch, I am not letting the other do it. No way am I standing back to watch her twist him up and down. I don’t care that she came from upstairs.”

“I understand your cynicism,” Castiel replied. “What you do not understand is, because of his actions and the fact he did not bargain on his own behalf, it was decided to allow him to fall, as with Anna. However, this time the fall was controlled and allowed them to end up here, a young couple who have recently moved to the area due to Dean’s new job. He is not her warden; the man in that lives in that house has no real memory of the battle we endured after the last seal was broken.”

Bobby took a moment, “What does he remember exactly? What did you do to him?”

“Most of the memories of his life are there, though to him it has been assimilated to something his new existence can cope with.”

“Does he remember his family, his brother? Does he remember me?” Bobby asked tentatively.

Castiel nodded, “Yes, but instead of Bobby Singer hunter, Dean remembers you as his father’s good friend who encouraged him to ask out his sister’s daughter.”

“He thinks I am his girl’s uncle?” Bobby asked to which Castiel nodded.

“It is all there - his parents’ death, Sam, you. However in his mind it is organised in a way to allow him to have peace.”

“So if I walk in there now she’ll think I’m her uncle?” Bobby asked.

“Yes,” Castiel replied.

“Are you saying that at some point they could turn up at my door and you expect me to play happy families with them?”

“Would you turn them away if they did?” Castiel asked.

“That is wrong! I can’t do this,” Bobby said. “That isn’t him.”

“Isn’t it?” Castiel enquired, “The house that has character but needs some work, a woman who cares for him, and a job in which he is able to affect a real outcome in people’s lives. How is this not Dean?”

Bobby shook his head. “No, it’s a lie.”

“That is not what I asked you. Is this or is it not a life that Dean would like?”

Bobby thought for a moment, “That boy’s a hunter.”

“In time he may find his way back to it, but this time it will be by his own wish. No-one is forcing him to live his life in the manner you have just witnessed.”

“You gave him a choice, didn’t you?” Bobby asked.

“No, we gave him peace. He does not need to stay with Anna; he can leave if he wishes. All that has been done here was the removal of the barriers that prevented Dean Winchester from following a path of his own choosing.”

“A normal life?” Bobby said. “You gave him a normal life after all he did for you?”

“We allowed one of the most powerful soldiers in heaven to fall. The rest was up to him,” Castiel replied.


“Hi. I was wondering if you can help me,” Sam said down the phone, “I need to activate a GPS chip on a cell.”

He stood there listening for a second. “Well, yes I have an account with you. Well, not exactly me. My father. He’s… well, he’s starting to wander off, and he ducked out this morning, and we can’t find him. He always has his cell on him. It’s the only good thing about this, but he isn’t picking up and I was hoping... Social security?... Sure, I have his social security number…. Yeah, I know. I hate seeing him like this.”


“So he’s happy?” Bobby asked, to which Castiel nodded. “You sure of that?”

“Dean chooses to have this mortal existence, he can alter is path at anytime,” Castiel said. “His life here is no easier or harder than any other. We did not bless him with any advantages he could use in this life.”

“What about demons? Something is going to be coming for him for payback,” Bobby reasoned, to which Castiel shook his head.

“No demon will come for him.”

“Are you protecting them?” Bobby asked.

“There is no need. If required, Dean is more than capable of protecting himself, although he is not consciously aware of it.”

Bobby thought back for a second to the last time he had spoken to Dean Winchester, all fire and light cutting a swath of destruction in his path unlike any other that Bobby had ever seen.

“You left a ticking time bomb inside that boy?” Bobby asked. “Are you insane?”

“It was what was required,” Castiel simply replied as he started to move off.

“Where are you going?” Bobby asked as he started to follow.

“To talk to him.”


“Wichita Kansas. Why the hell did he take you to Wichita, Bobby?” Sam said as he began his long drive.


“Hey Jimmy,” Dean said as he jumped down from the fire truck to greet Castiel. “When did you get into town?”

Castiel stretched his neck for a second before giving Dean a warm ‘natural’ hug. “Was in the neighborhood. Thought I‘d pop by.”

“You don’t just pop by,” Dean said slightly concerned. “Anything wrong, dude?”

“Nah. Got a new gig, that’s all - sales force for the Midwest,” Castiel said in his vessel’s, Jimmy’s, true light voice. “Means I’m on the road now.”

“Man, that sucks. How’s the family taking it?” Dean asked concerned.

Castiel shrugged. “I get home as much as I can. Can’t say they’re happy about the job, but it keeps the wolf from the door.”

Dean nodded. “So you got a meeting and you thought you’d give your old buddy from camp a visit?”

“Well yes and no. Had a meeting in South Dakota and bumped into an acquaintance of yours, got talking, he had some business out this way, so I thought that since the boss is paying for the gas, why the hell not? Thought we’d go visit the wannabe fireman, even if we got to head back pretty soon” he said with a smile.

“Old acquaintance?” Dean asked tentatively.

“Yeah, well he’s being shy,” Castiel said motioning to the side of the building.

Dean smiled, “Bobby? Oh man, it is good to see you! Anna is going to be stoked.”

Bobby took a second as he cleared his throat. “Hi Dean… How you been?”

“Well, job is what I expected,” Dean said with a scratch of the head, “And the house… now Bobby I know what you are going to say when you see the place, that she deserves better and I know. But Anna fell in love with the dump and now has me fixing shelves and painting walls every spare moment I got.”

“Really,” Bobby said with a smile as he watched the enthusiasm on Dean’s face.

“Well, you know,” Dean said before looking at the two of them. “Dinner, you guys have got be at least sticking around for dinner, and if you can stand the chaos, you are going to stay with us, even if Jimmy here can get his company to pay for the motel. Why don’t you give me the money? Help me pay for the new dry wall?”


Sam drove through the night, not caring for sleep as the road stretched out in front of him.

His phone hadn’t rang. He couldn’t be sure if it was because Bobby couldn’t get in touch with him from wherever Castiel had taken him or that he had returned to the yard and assumed that Sam had just left and he no longer cared enough to call.

He tried to push that thought out of his mind - that his only real tangible connection that he knew he had to the world had turned his back on him - not that he could really blame Bobby if that was the case. If it hadn’t been for his brother, his actions would have damned over six billion souls to damnation and at the time he could honestly have said he wouldn’t have cared.

Chapter 3

fic, levee, spn

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