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Comments 8

missdiane April 22 2020, 04:26:20 UTC
It’s times like that where I’m very very glad that the pick up laundry service I use is still doing business. Yikes. I’m sorry.


thespian15 April 22 2020, 14:21:16 UTC
A great big UGH!!!!!!!!!!! to people that don't cover their coughs and sneezes. :o

I am so sorry you have such lousy neighbors. :(
Hugs, Jon


Ignorant / Stupid People natevw December 16 2020, 05:31:39 UTC
There _is_ a difference but both types tend to do ignorant and stupid things....


Re: Ignorant / Stupid People sidhe_uaine42 December 16 2020, 06:00:09 UTC
My mother of blessed memory used to say there was a difference. One is able/willing to learn from their mistakes while the other refuses to change their ways because it takes effort.

It's like how I differentiate idiots and idjits: idiots do something that is relatively harmless yet makes you want to yell out your window, "Hey, stupid!" while the other does something that could cost them their life or limb (think: playing "chicken" with a loaded eight-locomotive freight train while wearing a pair of roller skates.)


Ignorant / Stupid ~ The Difference natevw December 16 2020, 06:04:16 UTC

Just so ;

Nothing wrong with being ignorant, look at me .

Stupid is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result .

Sort of like republicans, knowhutimean ? . =8-) .

They make it _VERY_ hard for me as I'm Conservative .


Re: Ignorant / Stupid ~ The Difference sidhe_uaine42 December 16 2020, 06:21:42 UTC
Think how difficult it was for John McCain III to "break ranks" with the rest of the republicans when he downvoted the "replacement" for the ACA. He actually left his sick bed, faced down Paul Ryan, and voted against the bill. I believe he passed less than four months later.

McCain was a Conservative iirc, but there were a few things he was a Moderate on, willing to reach across the Aisle if the item mattered. He's probably spinning in his grave at what has happened to Graham and McConnell...


rhodielady_47 February 5 2021, 05:48:41 UTC
Thank Heaven we don't have to live in an apartment any more!
I hated having neighbors.....it was just having to constantly be elbow to elbow with non-stop stupidity that drove me nuts!


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