
Apr 21, 2015 23:18

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Comments 58

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sidh May 29 2005, 14:44:42 UTC
No, that's a paid account, but you can put headers even on free ones.
And there's an easy way to make a great one : http://www.livejournal.com/users/pamelajoy/295461.html
And if you need some help, feel free to ask ^_^


(The comment has been removed)

sidh May 30 2005, 20:32:10 UTC
You're welcome ^^


15plus June 16 2005, 21:24:14 UTC
Wow...kick-ass layout...sidh-san....omedetousan!!!^_^
Listen...I hate to bother you, but do you have any idea of what this word means?
et avec quatre aunes de toile
les enverra en telle demeure
où ils trouveront beaucoup de mal.
I really couldn't find it on the net...Hope it's not much trouble...prolly is an old word or something...No hurry, though...no big deal and thanks so much!!!


sidh June 17 2005, 10:54:18 UTC
Hmmm... This is a very old word and we don't use it anymore *checks encyclopedia for exact definition*
Ok, it's a mesures, 1 aune = 3 feet.
Is it something you had to do in french class?


15plus June 17 2005, 13:12:42 UTC
No...not really ^_^ It's a song in Languedoc...Tartarassa ni voutor...that I like a lot I was thinking of translating to English...There's a French translation but obviously the French is as old as the Languedoc itself...Thanks so very much for your trouble yer a sweetie!!!^_^


sidh June 17 2005, 16:27:19 UTC
That's no trouble at all!
And I live where Langue d'Oc was spoken XD >e still have some programs on tv using this old weird language that I don't really understand myself. But I know some older people who does!
That's funny! I'm glad I was able to help a bit ^^ Feel free to ask anytime ^____^


love_me_gentily July 23 2005, 16:02:30 UTC
I love this!! The layout is AWESOME, i like the colours ^^

I post at the All for Bleach haha, i'm teh flashy one that likes shininess ^^

I have a new community


I want REALLY appreciate it if you support it ^^ oh and....can i join here? ^^


shuichi_star August 6 2005, 14:44:04 UTC
hi! ^^ you seem really cool! I love your layouts~ Mind if I add you?


sidh August 6 2005, 15:18:05 UTC
I seem cool?! Hey! that's cool ~_^
Thanks for the compliments! *blushes*
*adds you back*


largo_rul3z August 22 2005, 08:47:55 UTC
woah cool picture of gandalf in hobbitville


sidh August 22 2005, 09:02:14 UTC
If you like John Howe's illustrations of the Middle-Earth, you should have a look at his website. It's awesome!


largo_rul3z August 22 2005, 09:54:14 UTC
you is cool *adds to friend list*


sidh August 22 2005, 09:59:14 UTC
Thanks ^^ *adds you back*


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