Ben Slavin :: A Few More Miles, originally uploaded by
I met Ben Slavin when I held the first
Southern NH strobist Meeup back in May of this year. He came up with the "group shot of the year" and he ended up taking some great shots that day.
He emailed me a few months ago to let me know about his newest adventure. Ben will be riding his Kawasaki KLR650 down through the United States, riding down to the southern most city in the world -
Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) Argentina. On a motorbike!! Crazy!
As soon as Ben told me about his adventure I wanted to do what I could to help him remember the event. I had the opportunity to take some photographs of Ben two days before his trip started. We met near some farm land in Bedford NH, and we took some simply lit portraits of him and his motorbike.
For those wishing to follow Ben on his adventure, check him out over at his website
A Few More Miles.
I wish Ben the best of luck on his 6+ month journey, and hope he finishes his trip safely and in good health. If his bike is still running when he returns, we'll be taking an "after" photograph of them together, after their amazing journey.
Here is a slideshow of selected images from our session:
To see the set
click here