Fort Knox by Alfred Palmer, June '1942

Apr 05, 2016 20:24

Оригинал взят у visual_archive в Fort Knox by Alfred Palmer, June '1942
Оригинал взят у visual_archive в Fort Knox by Alfred Palmer, June '1942

June 1942. An M-4 tank crew training at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Fort Knox, June 1942. "Light tank going through water obstacle."

Tank commander, Fort Knox. June 1942.

June 1942. Fort Knox, Kentucky. "The crew of an M-3 tank learns all the ways of causing trouble for the Axis with a 75mm gun, a 37mm gun and four machine guns."

June 1942. M-3 tank and crew at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

June 1942. M-3 tank in action at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

June 1942. Fort Knox, Kentucky. "Infantryman with halftrack. A young soldier sights his Garand rifle like an old-timer. He likes the piece for its fine firing qualities and its rugged, dependable mechanism."

Tank driver, Fort Knox. June 1942.

June 1942. Army tank driver at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

June 1942. "M-3 tanks in action. Fort Knox, Kentucky."

June 1942. Fort Knox, Kentucky. "A good job in the air cleaner of an Army truck. This Negro soldier, who serves as truck driver and mechanic, plays an important part in keeping Army transport fleets in operation."

June 1942. M-3 tank crews at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

June 1942. An M-4 tank at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

June 1942. "Crewman of an M-3 tank, Fort Knox, Kentucky."

June 1942. Tank commander at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Вторая мировая, янкесы, бронетехника, танки

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