Title: The Seven Virtues of Lisa Braeden
Rating: R (swearing, sexual content)
Characters: Dean/Lisa, Castiel
Length: 5500 words
Spoilers: General through season 5, heavy for 5.22
Summary: Coda for 5.22. Castiel watches from between heaven and earth, checking in periodically on Dean.
Author's Note: This is an honest attempt to resolve for myself
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Comments 41
Also, can I just let you know...with all the porn available here, this is sexy personified without being crude. There is love and tenderness and heat and all that I love in sex scenes without the explicitness that is often in our fandom.
Refreshing and perfect. Thanks
Not only did you envision a completely realistic scenario, but you wrote it with perfection.
Not often do I find a story that makes me slow down to savor the crystalline beauty of the way the words have been strung together while simultaneously triggering the "yes, this is what happened" reaction!
Setting this in Cas' POV was genius, makes the poetry of the observations just right. I love your Lisa, love that Cas sees her strength of being a mother transfers into strength she can use for Dean. I love that she sassed Bobby, and that she researched PTSD once she knew the whole story. And the end, when she just understood without recrimination that Dean had to go...
I am still weeping. One of the most affecting stories I have ever read in this fandom.
BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL. Spot-on characterizations, elegant writing, just wonderful!
This was entirely gorgeous. I am a HUGE fan of Lisa's and this was just...
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