Oracle of Ages, Part 1: In Which Our Hero Dooms the World

Dec 23, 2008 15:06

I've been lurking around screencappery for a while. Never said much. I'm, well, kind of shy. But I've been playing with the idea of doing my own screencap adventure, and so here I am.

I decided to do Oracle of Ages because it was the second video game I owned (the first being Pokemon Silver) and thus has a high nostalgia factor. It's also my favorite Zelda game. In general, I like the 2D Zelda games better than the 3D ones. Not quite sure why. Maybe it's because I suck at the 3D ones. (Actually, I've never once beaten Ocarina of Time. Shh, don't tell or they'll probably revoke my gamer's license or whatever.)

Probably a lot of people have played this game already. I mean, I know apparently anyone who's anyone has played Ocarina of Time, but I don't know if the Gameboy ones were quite as popular? Oh well. I don't care if you've all played this before; I'm doing a screencap adventure for it anyway. So there.

Anyway. I love this game a lot. A lot a lot. Also I played through it ten gazillion times when I was younger and knew where all the secrets were. I haven't played it in a while, but I bet I can still find a lot of the secret stuff pretty much automatically. We'll see, I guess?

Anyway, without further ado: presenting Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages.

Nintendo! Capcom!

Dramatic sunrise.

Whoever could that be? :O

Heroic! Also, false advertising: there is no point in this game when you can ride a horse. There are, however, some rather more... unique mounts.

Link is an expert at posing dramatically.

Sudden scene change.

Our hero is being swallowed up by some sort of hooloovoo flashing blue ball of energy!

Maybe the triforce drugged him?

Another sudden scene change! What a majestic tree!

TA-DA! Here the triumphant Zelda music kicks in. You know, the heroic-sounding piece that shows up in I think pretty much every Zelda game ever. Inspiring! More than any other song, this tune just screams Zelda to me. Love it. (By the way, I can't really find much in the way of downloads for the music for this game, but I have some YouTube links. I hope that's legit? Also I have found a video of some guy playing this theme on theremin. That. Is. Awesome. Theremin rocks.)


As for those other options, they're there because Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are related games. They're entirely different, but connected, and you're supposed to play through both of them in order for Nintendo to make more money to get the true ending or whatever. So if you have a finished Seasons game, you'll get a password that you can put in here, and then during that playthrough of Ages you can get some extra stuff and reach the final ending.

I'm just gonna play through this as a normal, non-linked game. Maybe if I ever do a Seasons runthrough, I'll do it as a continuation of this playthrough, and you can see what sorts of extra stuff become available? I dunno. Probably best not to get ahead of myself here. ANYWAY. New game! Woo!

Okay. For some reason the only rom of this I could find was a European version. Which is fine, it has English, so whatever. One difference, though, is that in the American version, the right side here would have lower-case letters, but for this one they needed to put in umlauts and tildes and whatnot. Sure, those are good things to have, and it looks like there's an option to make things lower case.

Except. When I select that, the game freezes. D: No lower case letters for me, apparently. And since I have an unreasonable dislike of having the name be in all caps...

I decided to avoid the issue entirely :D

Let's go!

Like so many adventures, ours begins with our hero falling gracelessly through a void. Wait, what?

Also, the music here is very mysterious.

I don't wanna :\

♥ finally wakes up from his bad trip. There's no background music at all right now, which is rather striking.

You'd think mysterious, demanding voices would have better manners than to drop us off in a dead end.

Is that a damsel in distress I hear?

Oh, no, it's just a weird lady. Her skin color seems a little off. Still, it's not nice to make fun of people's skin conditions. I'm sure she's perfectly nice and not possessed at all.

There's music now. It's, hm... kind of odd. A little mysterious and kind of dreamlike, in a way.

The monsters flee at the very sight of our hero! Gee, this is sure gonna be an easy game.

C'mon, they were just octoroks.

She definitely shouldn't already know or anything. Definitely.

I feel loved.

Nevermind that this triangle symbol will never, ever bother any monsters again.

Hm, I'm a Hyrulean hero, this person is Hyrulean too... I wonder if I might know her?


This name may sound familiar to some. Place your bets now on whether this Nayru girl is important to the plot. (hint: yes)


And she starts following me around whether I want her to or not.

I have no idea what these things are. Monkeys? Old men? No idea.

Be careful what you wish for.

Not old men, then. Some sort of monkey/boar hybrid? Who knows.


Hm. The block has a triangle on it. My hand has a triangle on it. I wonder if this block is important.

That's it.

She rushes over to get a good look.

She backs away.

Not suspicious at all.

Trying to leave without moving it.

Don't wanna. :[

Deciding to be a chump move a stone for a nice lady.

It makes the do-do-do-do-do-do-do-DO sound that happens when you solve small puzzles and open doors and stuff. I love that sound. Makes me feels so accomplished.

For some reason I took not one, not two, but three shots of this line of dialogue. WTF, self.

Well, I could dawdle around for eternity and avert disaster, but let's go advance the plot instead.

By the way, when you get to this screen, the music changes. We hear a rather sweet and somewhat haunting melody, It's a bit faint right now, as though the singer is a little distant from us.

And here's where the sweet song is coming from. Nayru's Song. Everyone is entranced.

The rabbit tries to sing along. Everyone else quietly hopes it'll shut up.

Indeed. Perhaps... too charming?

Baboon wearing a sheepskin?

Half elf, half orangutan?


By the way, I think this is the first time anyone's told us where we are. Labrynna <3

Why are you shushing me? I didn't even say anything! I'm a silent protagonist; I can't say anything!

Someone else freaking out at me for bothering them during Nayru's song. Geez, it's nice and all, but really, this is a bit much.

The bear moves aside when I talk to him again.

I guess?

And then it shows a pretty picture while the song continues to play.

Link: Who is? :B

A bird. Okay. I don't really know what this is all about.

By the way, does this mean that ♥ and Impa were supposed to be traveling together? First I've heard of it. HMMM.

By which he means, "Nayru's mine! Hands off!"

For what? No one knows, apparently.

You're welcome, Naryu <3

From whom did you hear that? Who knows.

Ralph is headstrong.

Yeah, that's right. You're a legendary hero, you have no apparent way of getting back home, and I just said we're counting on you, BUT WE DON'T NEED YOU. GO AWAY. hands off my Nayru! >:[

Impa's all standing in the corner waiting for the exposition to end before striking

♥. I guess it's no wonder Ralph's getting jealous.

Impa: Aha! This is my cue!

She's shaking with laughter here. Also there is an abrupt shift in the mood of music: it's now this sneaky tune, usually heard in caves and such.

THAT BEAR. I'm sorry, but terrified bear is hilarious. Look:

Isn't he just hilariously adorable?

:O She's not just a singer? What a shock!

Lots of posturing. She's very proud of her evilness.



Ahem. Sorry. On with the SERIOUS SCENE. Impa spins over to the left...

Darkness! Obviously evil music! And, oh my, that doesn't look very healthy. Impa? You okay?

Also: BEAAAAAR! Ahahahahahahahaokay I'll stop now, really.

The bear runs away over the trees. Tired of me making fun of him, I bet. I'M SORRY, BEAR. I LOVE YOU~! COME BAAAACK...

The other animals and the kid also run away. THIS SCENE IS TOO SERIOUS FOR NON-PLOT IMPORTANT CHARACTERS.

That thing doesn't look evil at all.

Everyone runs around in a panic.



Where'd it go? (actually it's wooshing around the screen some more, but I didn't catch it because it flickers...)


AAAA - huh? The evil blob turned into an evil lady? An evil lady whose outfit is, um...

Okay, we get that you're evil, but isn't this getup a bit much? Also, where did you put your internal organs? There clearly isn't room for all of them in that torso...

I feel loved. <3



With a name like that, she has to be nice.

She turned back into a blob.

Blob-Veran's still there. It's just the flickering again. It's a little hard to catch her when screencapping.

I'm sure nothing bad will come of this.



Hm? Nothing happened? Phew.

Oh. Uh-oh.

Oh dear.

And Ralph actually does something while ♥ sits around and gawks. Who's the hero here again?

That's, um, a very sound idea, Ralph. Uh-huh.

Duh. Ralph isn't really the brightest bulb in the box. But it's okay; his love for Nayru will lead him to triumph anyway!

Or not. Too bad for him he's not the protagonist.


I'm sure she only wants to change things for the better.

A Mysterious Spot appears on the ledge.

I missed it, but a bolt of lightning came down and hit the spot. Now it's all whirly and stuff.

I wish I could teleport.

By the way, the whirly thing flickers too. Stupid flickering things, messing up my screencapping by looking like you're not there half the time. >:[

This can only end well.

Vwoosh. She's gone. Through time, of course. Swirly things and time travel go hand-in-hand.

And yet she's still talking to us. I don't know.

Aw, a couple on a beach. But what's with that music? Evil Spreads? Huh?


Lightning. Maybe Veran's very presense in the past changed things in just such a way as to cause the weather today to be a thunderstorm instead of sunny.

More lightning.

And lightning hit this guy...

And turned him into an old man? What?


Hm? Something's happening to one of the baby Yeti.


The albino gorillas are disappearing!

The last of his kind.

And now he's gone too, leaving behind only the mystery of what the hell they were.

I'm sorry If I don't think this is that much of a loss.

Scene change. It's a little boy running around. How precious.


He desperately inches forward a final few pathetic steps before his body becomes completely immobile.

She's shaking. Sobbing, I think. Hey, at least he didn't disappear like the monkey-things.

Then again, maybe it's worse to have a constant reminder of your loss hanging around your house. I dunno.

Back here again. Music: Sadness. I think that pretty much sums it up.

By the way, let's look at Veran's evil acts so far:
-causing a thunderstorm
-turning some random dude into an old man
-getting rid of a bunch of bizarre creatures
-turning a random boy into stone

No rhyme or reason whatsoever. Maybe these were accidental? Tests of her power? Who knows, but all these things that we just saw happening have pretty much no relevance to the plot.

That's right, ♥: it's all your fault.

Poor Ralph just can't take it anymore.

Ralph: She's MINE. In case you forgot.

Ralph rushes off to be totally ineffectual save the day, I'm sure.

♥ finally decides to worry about the woman who's been collapsed here for a while. Good job, hero!

Yes, I never would have guessed. I thought you always were creepy and had green skin!

By the way, this is Impa:

A fun note: in the picture of her in the instruction booklet I have, they covered up her cleavage with some sort of purple top. Apparently Impa's breasts are just too much for American gamers.

That's a lot of dots, Impa. I'm betting that here she's thinking that if this supposed hero wasn't so incredibly stupid as to fall into an obvious trap, none of this would have happened. She's just too nice to say it.

But I'm not. Remember, folks: every single bad thing that happens in this game is a direct result of Link's negligence. If he had only been able to identify obvious changes in his own supposed traveling companion, or just generally not been a complete moron, Veran never would have been able to go through with her plan.

Uh, hey, if Veran went to the past to do her plan, shouldn't it, you know, be done by now? Shouldn't this be a land of shadow or whatever already instead of just having a few people disappearing or turning to stone?

Yes, we must stop her! In the future of the past, before the present, but after now! Or something.

It's probably best not to think too hard on how the time travel works in this game.

Wait... just what exactly was Veran doing with her body?

No, maybe I don't want to know.

After being the one who helped doom it. No, I'm not going to let you forget this, "hero".

Oh boy oh boy. A gift from the Princess! I'm sure it's grand and wonderful and very useful and sharp and pointy.


Wait. Wooden?

Wooden sword.


Wooden sword. What is wrong with you, Zelda? What the hell sort of cheap Princess are you?

Clearly she's not taking ♥'s efforts very seriously. Though to be fair, I guess he does seem pretty unreliable so far.

Not to be confused with the Deku Trees in Ocarina of Time or Wind Waker, nor with the other Maku Tree who appears in Oracle of Seasons. The Zelda series sure does like its talking guardian trees.

By the way, this Maku Tree is my favorite of the aforementioned trees. We'll meet her next time <3

Okay, Impa. Great. Just don't get possessed again. I don't think ♥ would ever figure it out.

Finally get control again. And I think I'll leave off here for now. That took longer than I thought it would.

Tune in next time! There will be a city, a Tree, and an evil almost-tower! Woo. But there won't be any bears.

You will be missed, terrified bear.
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