57-The Art of Masturbating

Jan 09, 2009 03:35

Title: The Art of Masturbating
Author: shuttist
Assistance with obscentiy: ilds,chapunx and uknowmicky?
Length: oneshot
Word count: 1,585 words
Pairings: YooSu
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Smut, Comedy
A/N: Take it as education and comments and feedback wud be nice..<33

Are you ready?” Yoochun said to Junsu who was lying on the bed. Junsu’s face suddenly flushed red and the intensity could be seen in his eyes. Yoochun took it as an answer to continue, so he started to make a move forward...slowly...slowly...


“What is it Junsu?”

“I...I... can’t do it, this is my first time, can we like do it later?”

“What? This is your first time? I thought you said you’ve done ‘it’ before?”

“Okay, I haven’t okay! I lied...seeing that all of you guys have and I’m the only one who’s inexperience. I’m a fucking virgin okay!”

“Wow! Mum would be proud of me!” Yoochun said joking around.

“So, I guess we’ll stop now?”

“Junsu, seriously you’ve got to learn or else you’ll never know.”


“Haven’t you masturbated yet? If you have, then you’re ready to go.”

“Masturbate? What the hell is that?”“What? You don’t know what’s masturbating? Man, you’re a real pure jackass.”

“Okay, if you’re so smart... care to explain?”

“Well, masturbating is...you know...masturbating.”

“Huh? Yoochun, seriously. I need an explanation.”

“You know... when you touch yourself, then you get high and release a thing...it’s wet and kind of sticky.”

“Get high what? High like “girl-in-a-bikini” high or high like “I’m-watching-porn” high?”

What? Okay...err...The second one.”

“Owh...I get it... wait, so I have to watch porn to masturbate?”

“Urgh...Junsu! Don’t you get it?”

“Why are you yelling at me? I just wanted to learn and you’re scolding me for wanting to learn? I really don’t want to do this anymore!” Junsu said stomping his feet and turning his back on Yoochun.
“Aww, come on baby, don’t be mad!” Yoochun said trying to turn Junsu to look at him.

“No...I’m not talking to you!”

Yoochun let go of Junsu, and thought hard of a way to cheer him up. Simply because he wants to fuck that duck up...

“I’m sorry Junsu...and if it makes you happier, I’ll show you masturbating.”
Junsu slowly turned his back to face Yoochun.

Yoochun knew that his idea was genius... pure genius...


“Come on Yoochun! It’s been 5 minutes already, and I thought I was going to watch educational porn?”
“Wait, I need something soft to do it on!”
“Err...okay. So do you mean like a soft pillow or soft toy?”
“Toy would be good, it’ll look more real,”
“Then, how about Yunho’s daughter, Bambi?” Yoochun stopped searching and thought for a while.

“Wouldn’t Yunho be mad?”
“Oh Chun, he’s not going to find out, and plus this is for education.”
“Okay, if you insist!”
Poor Bambi, she’s going to loose her virginity.


“Okay, there she is. Are you ready to get educated?”
“Fuck yeah!” Junsu said full of spirit.
Making their way inside the room, Yoochun took hold of Bambi.

“Junsu, can you get me a pair of scissors?”
“What the fuck? Why do you need scissors for?”
“Masturbating requires a hole... or at least that’s how I do it. And since I’m your teacher, you do it my way.”

While Junsu was taking the pair of scissors, Yoochun searched for the perfect spot to cut Bambi.
Suddenly he saw a hole situated at Bambi’s butt.
“Yunho, you bastard. You’ve been fucking your daughter all this while!” Yoochun said to himself, laughing.


“Here you go Chun.”
“Junsu-ah, I don’t need it. Let’s go to my room.”
“What the hell! Yoochun, are you really going to do it or are you just making me run around the house like a loser?”
“I’m for real okay. Come on, let’s just go into my room.”


Junsu sat on the chair facing the bed, his face clearly nervous. Yoochun close the door behind him securely, making sure that no one will interrupt his private teaching session. He than walk towards the bed, licking his own lips seductively and started unbuttoning his shirt.

He threw Bambi to Junsu and lay on the bed. Yoochun place his hands on his jeans button and looked at Junsu. “You want me to open it?” he asked, smiling devilishly. Junsu nodded shyly.

Yoochun brought to down his pants and then he took of his boxers, his erection springing to life. Junsu’s eyes widen with delight at the sight of Yoochun’s erection, he edge closer to the bed.

Yoochun’s POV.

I grinned from ear-to-ear seeing how delighted Junsu was. My erection was throbbing with pain. I place my left hand on it and started pumping it, my eyes never leaving Junsu.

The image of Junsu’s naked body was in my head. Junsu lying on the bed, so helpless and owh-so-fuckable made me thrust my cock harder into my hand. Pre-cum had already started leaking. My hard cock into Junsu’s butt, his duck butt. Damn! Why does Junsu have such a perfectly sculpted ass? It’s driving me insane, my head lolled back against the head board and I started moaning Junsu’s name, with every thrust I make.

I look up to Junsu, his eyes transfixed on my erection, the bulge in his pants now noticeable, straining to be touched. In between breaths I said, “Junsu-ah...take Bambi.”

End of POV

Junsu immediately took Bambi from the floor. He then resumes his seat and started to strip, wasting no time in doing this.

Another moan came out from Yoochun’s mouth, as he stares at Junsu’s enormous cock.

Junsu’s POV

I stared at Bambi and the hole in her ass, what am I suppose to do? I mean I know what to do, but I don’t want to make a fool of myself, especially not in front of someone who is experienced, he must’ve been doing it since 5 seeing that he does it so well.

“Su, why are you wasting your time? My cock’s going to explode.”
“Sorry Chun, I’m just scared.”
“Stop being a dickwitt,” Yoochun said.

End of POV

Yoochun got up from bed and advanced towards Junsu. He grabbed Junsu‘s cock roughly with his hands, lingering on it for a moment, loving the heat and vibrations Junsu produces, without a second notice he thrust it hard into Bambi’s hole.

Junsu screams at the friction he received. His cock not visible any more, completely enveloped by Bambi.

Yoochun got back on the bed, making sure he got a clear view of Junsu, spread his legs wide open and said, “Junsu start thrusting!”

Junsu pushed Bambi out and slowly back in, it went on for a few thrust. Yoochun then started pumping himself up and down, this time much harder. This just made Junsu’s thrust harder and faster into poor Bambi.

Junsu’s starting to enjoy it, his face relaxes even more, his hands working at supernatural speed. His hips kept on jerking up, it’s a surprise he didn’t fall of the chair, must’ve been those dancing muscles of his.

Obscene thoughts at each other clogged their minds. Moans, groans, whimpers, wails, screams fill the room, all those sounds turning each other even more.

“Junsu-ah, you are so sexy to look at. Never stop doing that,” Yoochun said, his eyes completely focused on Junsu’s wide spread legs. That comment threw Junsu over the edge, and he released his cum in Bambi followed by a dolphin-like scream.

Yoochun thrust even harder, looking at Junsu’s cum, spilling obscenely on the floor. A few seconds later Yoochun came onto his hands and the bed.

With his clean hand he urged Junsu to sit next to him. Junsu did with question, Bambi in his hands.

“Chun, I got Bambi dirty, Yunho-hyung is going to break my back, and I don’t want to die a virgin.”
Yoochun then guffawed loudly, causing Junsu’s face to turn bright red.
“We’ll clean it up, sexy. And I will make sure you don’t die as a virgin. Now help me clean this mess up.”

“Okay, let’s go to the bathroom.”
“No, silly. Clean my hands with your mouth.”
“WHAT?! Are you insane?”
“That’s what people do infant.”

Junsu felt taken aback by the comment. He grab Yoochun’s hand and started licking the cum off his fingers, taking one finger at a time, ending with a pop at each.

“You like it don’t you?” Yoochun asked.
Junsu’s mouth filled with Yoochun’s fingers he answered, “I love it Chunnie!”
“Good boy,” Yoochun said and pats Junsu on the head.

“Next lesson is Blowjob.”
“What’s that?”

Yoochun laughed and both of them continued masturbating...


“I think I hear them.”
“Really? Okay Junsu, put on your clothes.” Yoochun said buttoning his shirt.

“So, how’s my first try?”
“Owh man, you’re a tiger!”
“Aww...thanks,” Junsu said blushing.

Yoochun headed for the door with Bambi in his hand.

“Junsu, go and have dinner. I’ve got something I have to do.” Without waiting for a reply he left.

Junsu shrugged and left for dinner with the other members. He felt really hungry after the lesson he had.


“Has anyone seen Bambi? I need my daughter to sleep... I can’t sleep without her!” Yunho said looking anxious.

Yoochun came out later with Bambi in his hand. Yunho saw Bambi in Yoochun’s hand and asked,

“Chun, what are you doing with my daughter?”

“Owh, I saw her hole underneath her, so I decided to sew it for you. Now you don’t have to sew it,” Yoochun said smiling innocently to Yunho.

Yoochun handed Bambi to Yunho who was blushing red. Speechless of Yoochun’s actions.

Before Yoochun proceeded into his room, he stopped and turned to face Yunho.

“Have a fun time with your daughter,” he said winking.

db: kim junsu, oneshot, yoosu, db: park yoochun, fic, !public

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