Fannish Glee!

Jul 27, 2007 22:06

Still basking in the fannish glow from the redial_the_gate mass rewatch of Children of the Gods on this, the 10 year anniversary of its airing on Showtime. Lest you think it was just a group of like-minded fans, you couldn't be further from the truth. Fans of all stripes were in attendance. Slashers, shippers, genfolk from the US, UK and Australia, I think a ( Read more... )

rl, fannishness

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Comments 9

sdani July 28 2007, 04:47:35 UTC
Hm. You're griping less than I would in your situation. That sucks gaping maws of suckitude if you ask me.

I'm glad your medical thingy wasn't as scary as you thought it might be.
I think you've been pretty darn great with things considering everything that's been thrown at you lately. For heavens sake, someone give this girl a few days off where she doesn't have to do anything practical or worky!


shutthef_up July 28 2007, 05:59:09 UTC
Fortunately, I'm taking two weeks vacation starting the last week of August. Which just so happens to straddle the week before and after our software conversion. Yay me!

But until then it's going to be really crazy. And it's already been crazy for months.



annerbhp July 28 2007, 06:48:20 UTC
Yay! That was so much fun tonight! It was especially funny how specific moments or lines would make the window explode with chatter. Too funny.

I hope we can all do it again sometime soon!


shutthef_up July 28 2007, 13:20:16 UTC
It was great! And yes, so many touchstone moments we shared!

Very, very cool!


abyssinia4077 July 28 2007, 12:53:02 UTC
Yay the chat! I'm so glad it worked so well (and also that I managed to play because it was touch-and-go there). Yay fandom getting along and having fun.

However, big, big not-yay to your work. I really, really hope something turns over soon and things calm down because all of that is just so not okay in so many ways and you really need a break. *kicks them until they get their act together*

I really get what you mean about your brain - the analytical vs. the creative side and how you need time to flip but you also NEED to flip sometimes. I think my brain works somewhat similarly. Here's hoping your creative side gets to play soon!


shutthef_up July 28 2007, 13:24:19 UTC
Arrgh! If I needed any more evidence that I need to do *something* it came last night.

I dreamt of work all night long! I even woke up and did some other stuff for a while in the hopes of purging it, but no, didn't happen.

I think I'll put it in a separate post, though.

Thanks, hon. Good to know I'm not the only one who's brain needs space.


redbyrd_sgfic July 28 2007, 15:05:35 UTC
It's not silly at all. The biggest reason I'm writing very little these days is work. It's not that I don't have time- my schedule is actually not bad, but it just sucks so much energy that I work, come home, take care of the house and other responisbilities and there's not a lot of energy left for writing.


shutthef_up July 29 2007, 16:40:30 UTC
That's exactly it. By the time my brain does let work go, I'm too tired to do much of anything ( ... )


redbyrd_sgfic July 30 2007, 02:11:58 UTC
I want my weekends back, dammit.

Since by my calculation you're working over 80 hours a week just on weekdays, that's pretty frickin' understandable. You've already been way more patient than they deserve.

And if you do wind up leaving- is vesting an all or nothing thing where you are? I've had it gradually vesting (on the one occasion I actually had an employer contribution). And of course you'll keep anything *you* put in.


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