The future of the internet

Jul 08, 2011 13:48

It is 1:30. I have vodka on my watermelon. What's that? Too early for that, you say? ...Nah.

Big bang story is...still not completely outlined, but I made a lot of progress with last night. A lot. Though, I had this moment where I sat back and thought, "Ugh, this is lame. What a lame story. It's awful. Maybe it seems that way because I' ( Read more... )

livejournal, twitter, life/the universe/everything, tumblr, *nom nom*: food, law school, i love my f-list

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shutterbug_12 July 8 2011, 18:54:24 UTC
Yeah, definitely. I'm sure I'll have time to spend online, but not in the big blocks of time I've had. So I'll definitely be around on Tumblr, and now you're there, too, so yay! And Twitter, which...I can't remember if you have. Those are just so much easier to check from my phone between classes. Or while I'm having lunch. Or when I give myself study breaks. Things like that. And I'm sure I'll be around during my semester breaks. But, as far as day to day goes, I'll be on those other platforms a lot more, I think. And then give myself LJ time on the weekends to catch up with a smaller f-list. Because, honestly, my online friends and communities are a huge part of my life, and it's a part I love. I think I just need to shift to other ways of staying in touch with people under a different set of priorities. =)


fromiftowhen July 8 2011, 18:49:10 UTC
It is NEVER too early for vodka, especially if there is watermelon involved.

And I think this is the nicest pre-friends-cut entry I've ever seen. Most of them are, "Oh, I did a friend's cut, if you can't see this entry, you're cut..." or "Comment to stay!," which just seems... less friendly, more online "friendly" to me, which just isn't cool.


shutterbug_12 July 8 2011, 18:57:59 UTC
I haven't actually made a cut yet. I will in the future, but yeah. I just like to level with people who are here, you know? I hardly ever do cuts. Ever. If I have to do one, there are dire things going on. ;) But, yeah, I also just want to be clear that the only reason why I'm doing one here is because of the kind of time LJ demands, and I'd still love to be friends with people via Twitter or Tumblr even if I had to remove those people from this f-list. If that...makes sense. But I'll be using the next couple weeks to try to figure out what my f-list will look like once school starts. I take it...very seriously. Heh. I could never just cut on a whim. These things take serious consideration. Because, no, I don't think those typical cut entries are very nice either. =\


suzler July 8 2011, 22:46:19 UTC
Haha, you have such a bad effect on me. Anytime you mention alcohol, five minutes later I have a drink in my hand. I'm not complaining, mind. *sips rum*

Good luck with all your sorting. It makes a lot of sense. I often have to prune my twitter list, just because it's so hard to keep up after a while. Twitter's a bit different, mind you.


shutterbug_12 July 9 2011, 00:17:45 UTC
Bwahahahah. Win. *also sips rum* Totally have some rum in my coke right now. =D

Yeah, Twitter is different. It's not as involved for me. When I trim my f-list, I take it very seriously and it takes a lot of time. But I'll follow/unfollow on Twitter without nearly as much consideration.


amy_119 July 9 2011, 00:07:15 UTC
I guess I'll have to pay more attention to those platforms now. I'm never on tumblr (well, almost never), although I have been paying attention to my Twitter lately. :) Do you have the Livejournal app? It makes things like updating and reading the flist on the phone way easier.


shutterbug_12 July 9 2011, 00:13:58 UTC
Yeah, I have the LJ app, but it's still a matter of having a lot to read in large pieces that I probably won't have as much time for. It takes longer to digest the content, and I probably won't have that kind of time every day. Some days I probably will. But I doubt I'll have the time to be on as frequently, is all.


amy_119 July 9 2011, 00:15:26 UTC
Ah, makes sense. I typically read during my lunch breaks at work and such, but I understand you being busy. :)


shutterbug_12 July 9 2011, 00:19:01 UTC
I'll probably have LJ time on the weekends, at least! =D


tosca1390 July 9 2011, 02:49:56 UTC
Hahaha, vodka and watermelon. GOOD FOR YOU.

Go! Outline your little fingers out! Whee! <3


shutterbug_12 July 9 2011, 02:57:37 UTC

I am absolutely DETERMINED to have this outline DONE tonight. Before I sleep. *nods*


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