[Hetalia] "Cherry Blossom Festival"

Jan 22, 2012 18:05

TITLE: "Cherry Blossom Festival"
AUTHOR: shuriken7
FANDOM: Hetalia
PAIRING: America (Alfred F. Jones)/Japan (Kiku Honda)
GENRE: Slash
PROMPT: 1 - Celebration @ 20_est_relships, Future @ hetachallenge
SUMMARY: America and Japan make a promise for the future under the Cherry Blossom trees in Washington D.C.
WARNINGS: Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hetalia.

“Hey, Kiku!” America called, gaining the Japanese man’s attention through the crowd of people walking along the sidewalks of Washington D.C. admiring the flowers much as his own people had done for centuries. Japan permitted a small, almost imperceptible smile onto his lips, causing America to grin widely.

“Konnichiwa, Jones-san.”

“Seriously?” The younger man replied, wrinkling his nose as if the formality was distasteful to him. They had known each other long enough that Japan was sure that it was. He fended off the attempted hug.

“We are in public, it is to be expected.”

“You better not be so formal later.”

“It’s a promise.” America looked pleased at that. He gestured for Japan to follow and they wandered together along the paths, cherry blossoms giving a soft contrast to the bright marble or dark metals that formed the monuments to America’s great leaders or times to always be remembered.

“Remember the first festival?” America asked. Japan looked up at him, the wind shifting and causing some petals to float down onto their heads. He reached up a hand to brush the petals off America’s blonde hair and his shoulders, allowing himself the gesture.

“Of course, it was a promise to our friendship in the future.” He blushed, when America grabbed his hand and pulled him off the path.

“Well, let’s make a promise again, like an anniversary kind of thing, for the hundred year anniversary of your present.”

“Alfred...” he paused, looking around to see if anyone could overhear their exchange, “I promise to do my best.”

“Me too. That’s all we can promise right?” he said, still smiling. Before Japan could stop him he gave him a small peck on the cheek and they continued their walk among the trees.

20establishedrelationships, pairing: america/japan, character: america, character: japan, hetachallenge, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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